Outbreak Communication Regional Meeting Bryna Brennan Special Advisor, Social and Media Communication Pan American Health Organization/WHO October 30, 2007
Why We Are Here To move ahead on the next phase of Outbreak Communication To test and contribute to a communication simulation To ensure that our work reaches all levels in the countries
Our Shared History Sub-regional pandemic communication workshops starting 2006 Train-the-trainers Inter UN agency framework Communication included in other workshops Trainers training Shared tools and contacts
Overall Regional Highlights All the countries trained in risk/outbreak communication 23 countries have pandemic preparedness comm. plans Trainers coming from the ranks of the trained AI/PI Communication plans being tested through simulations Inter-ministerial communication groups Starting to train local level counterparts Communications components included in workshops Communicators able to be part of rapid deployment teams
Support for Countries from PAHO Communication strategy guidelines Train the trainers materials Slide set for risk and outbreak communication Web page for risk communication resources and messages Creating networks Computerized self-assessment tool for plans On-line discussion with Red-Salud and Communication Initiative
Andean Region Workshop, June – Colombia Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela Trainers – all trained in various PAHO workshops Evaluation of communication plans Computerized tool to do self assessments Communication simulation Last in the series of subregional workshops
Lessons Learned PAHO communicators working together Working together to train in the countries Building capacity (PAHO and counterparts) Countries working across ministries Communication seen as equal to surveillance, etc. $ drives the agenda, take advantage Communication in line with technical plans Whole essence of a strategy
Next Steps Simulations in countries with new actors: local level, associations, faith-based community, education…. Testing and revision of messages Ongoing inter-agency work to prepare, respond, recovery Continued efforts on networking Enforce ties to IHR and other outbreaks Maintain position of communication and grow
Pandemic and Outbreak Communications: Global Developments
Progress Summary It all began with: Outbreak Guidelines developed after SARS and 2004 Singapore meeting 5 principles: –T= Trust –O= Operational Planning –T= Transparency –A= Announce Early –L= Listen
Progress Summary : worldwide training efforts MoH staff Journalists PAHO: the pioneers Additional workshops in: –Brussels, Hong Kong, Nairobi –Upcoming: Brunei, Beijing –More work with FAO
Progress Summary And Outbreak Communications Exercises: –Rapid Containment (Members States): Feb 2007 –Start of a Pandemic (UN Agencies): May 2007
Other Project Components Geneva meeting rd Global Pandemic Influenza Communications Meeting (Cairo 2007) Outcomes: –Work plans on social mobilization, messaging –Suggestion to establish the Outbreak Communications Public Information Sharing System
International Networking Establishment of Outbreak Communications Public Information Sharing System identified as key outcome of the Cairo meetings Frameworks and support resources now in place Staged implementation plan underway, “network of networks" model UN-wide initiative Key challenge: consistency with International Health Regulations
Key Questions Is the regional training generating follow up national training? Are Outbreak Communications principles understood and being adopted by the right people? Is work in the field – including information sharing networks – consistent with the revised IHR? Is Outbreak Communications integrated with broader outbreak management capacity building initiatives?
Outbreak Communications Guidelines Part 2 Responds to requests from Member States and partners Hopes to answer the questions on the previous slide A “how-to" make the 5 core principles workable Working Group 1 st Meeting: Oct 4-5, Geneva
Finalization of outbreak communications 2 First draft by end 2007 Consultation: early 2008 Final draft and approval: by May 2008 Scheduled Release Date: July 2008 Set the new international standard in this field
Panama 2007 Bringing us all together again –Checking the states of the national pandemic communications plans –How surveys results may help PAHO countries improve their plans –OC 2: is what we are doing here usable at national/subnational level?
Panama 2007 This will be done by: –Working together to see how we move forward –Contribute to what is being done already –Ensuring the OC2 are applicable –Offering your comments and suggestions
Panama 2007 Outcomes –Reality check as to how operational the national plans are (country focused) –Work here will up construct OC2 in a way which really do make them operational –Share materials, ideas, messages, strengths, weaknesses
Presentations Moderators –Denise Carter-Taylor –Maritza Labrana 5 minutes –Time keeper (1) Vilma Gutierrez –Advance, materials, accomplishments, challenges Today’s daily summary – Gustavo Delgado
Country Presentations Chile Barbados Argentina Belize Bolivia Brazil Colombia Dominica Ecuador Jamaica Mexico Panama Peru Uruguay