GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Founded November Non-governmental entity. Decisions as recommendations for its members. Working languages English and Spanish.
MAIN OBJECTIVES Increase cooperation. Exchange information. Electoral observation. Formulate recommendations. Promote efficient electoral systems. Provide assistance to electoral authorities upon request.
STRUCTURE 1.General Assembly, as a Governing Body. 2.Coordination and Follow-up Committee, in charge to prepare Conferences and extraordinary session, among other duties. 3.Executive Secretary, carried out by CAPEL.
CONFERENCES OF UNIORE UNIORE Constitution, Venezuela, 1991 II Conference, Panama, 1993 III Conference, Mexico, 1996 IV Conference, Canada, 1998 V Conference, Guatemala, 2000 VI Conference, Paraguay, 2002 VII Conference, Panama, 2004 VIII Conference, Panama, 2006 IX Conference, El Salvador, 2008 X Conference, Mexico, 2010 XI Conference, Dominican Republic, 2012
STRUCTURE 1.General Assembly, as a Governing Body. 2.Coordination and Follow-up Committee, in charge to prepare Conferences and extraordinary session, among other duties. 3.Executive Secretary, carried out by CAPEL.
MEMBERS Currently 31 electoral authorities from 24 countries
FINANCING Hosting electoral authority. International funds managed by Executive Secretary No fees for UNIORE members.
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT 196 observation missions in 22 countries. 78 seminars, workshops and courses, held in 16 countries. 47 electoral technical assistances to 14 countries. 42 publications on electoral topics. 6 technology networks for electoral matters.
MAIN CONTRIBUTIONS OF UNIORE TO DEMOCRACY IN THE AMERICAS Exchange of experiences, lessons and good practices. Election Observation. Comparative analysis to determine America’s electoral trends.
MAIN CHALLENGES OF UNIORE Promoting electoral participation in all its aspects. Evaluating use of technological developments in elections. Strengthening the autonomy of Electoral Bodies in the Americas.
NEXT STEPS Strengthen procedures for electoral observation missions. Create an inventory of electoral authorities’ resources, and keep it updated Consolidate UNIORE as a space for building principles and for reflection on electoral matters.