MICE status
Mice layout Beam line elements (including channel magnets) Detector components Civil Engineering Software target Decay Solenoid Beam Stop Tracker and solenoid TOF0
Target Beamline Elements Shaft – magnetically suspended. Kicked into the beam be electromagnets and then pulled back out. (80g) Challenges Deliver the acceleration – current, magnetic field, cooling Bearings – in vacuum – no lubricant. Failure compromises ISIS running. Status Acceleration solved, can intercept one pulse of the 50Hz from ISIS and be clear by next injection. Bearing – problems. Two targets One is ISIS providing beam One outside ISIS running ahead by a factor three to “prove” to ISIS not going to fail It failed after 340,000 activations Wear on the shaft led to debris in the bottom bearing and the shaft jammed. Search Currently for cause of problem Jacking mechanism to allows ISIS to run, but debris in the vacuum chamber is a problem
Must remove this sharp edge DLC removed from lower bearing Ditto upper bearing Effects of seizure On target bearings Beamline Elements Target Wear
Target Beamline Elements Shaft – magnetically suspended. Kicked into the beam be electromagnets and then pulled back out. (80g) Clear signs of wear Coating of diamond like carbon thinner than previously but no sign of bubbling or delamination Wear on one side but mechanical alignment well within tolerances electromagnetic alignment magnets are all functional coils are all working possibility of partial damage or loss of fields being investigated Size of force needed to distort the bar being investigated by FEA can acceleration distort bar. Finished by ?? Needed for Beam
Target Magnets Beamline Elements Measurements last Friday on one permanent magnet ( very preliminary ) Home built setup – measure 1600 points (manual). Step size 9 degrees in phi. 0.1mm in z. Estimated accuracy 5 milliTesla..
Tribology Beamline Elements Discussions with tribologist at Sheffield have suggested a number of possiblities. The first point was the fact that shaft and bearings are both covered with diamond like coating is seen as a disadvantage. Surfaces of the same material are more likely to stick and rub. Bearing electro-polish after wire erosion and then cover with Chromium-nitride. or apply eletroless Nickel-Phosophorus coating. Chemical coating means the bearing could be a simpler two piece bearing instead of quadrants Shaft Electro-polish – look at changing to a Titanium Alloy with better mechanical properties, but need to check radiological implications Cover with a nitride coating before the Diamond Like Graphite. Makes the surface stiffer as well as harder. Ideas, and progress, but no firm timnescales
Decay Solenoid Beamline Elements Superconducting Solenoid Captures muons from pion decay. Increases event rate by a factor close to 10 (according to calculations) Won’t superconduct Open the magnet Remove the solenoid opens a hole into the vault. Withdrawing all the cold mass Moving dipole Lifting out quadrupole Taking down the wall Best Estimate Simple Heat leakRepair during October shutdown Coil 10½ cold mass out at Christmas Don’t have to take down wall Worst Case Coil 10 irrepairable – link out and run with 9 coils Synchrotron vaultWithdraw D2 DSA wall Polyanna outcome
Decay Solenoid Beamline Elements Finished by first run Needed for muon flux Withdraw D2 Re-install rails Remove part of Shield wall
Spectrometer Solenoids Beamline Elements Spectrometer Solenoids Provide the field for the trackers to allow measurement of particle trajectory and calculation of beam emittance Delivery delayed but discover of problem with helium venting in the case of a quench. Problem solved, needs modification to solenoid 1, different parts for solenoid 2. Finishing Solenoid 2 first, then correct 1. Delivery to Fermilab of first one, October Measurement of field using the zip tracker. Delivery to RAL – late 2008, early Integration and safety tests two months. Ready to run March Beam characterisation (momentum and emittance) in different running conditions. Busy until delivery of the second solenoid later in Measure emittance before and after cooling Before RF delivered can look at “heating” produced by an absorbers (Heating = emittance – absorber – emittance) Finished by end Feruary 2009 Needed for heating/cooling measurement
Future Beamline Elements Focus Coils Second design review with Tesla next month. Coupling Coils Production continuing in Harbin Delayed – effect on MICE unclear. Hydrogen system Hazop safety reviews in October. Coupling Coils Focus Coils Hydrogen Cavities
PID Detector TOF0 In position – producing signals – preparing to calibrate TOF1 Delivery by the 20 th October Cerenkovs Installed and running KL In place – need beam in the hall to check out and calibrate
Tracker Detector Subject of a detailed review by Malcolm Ellis.
LiH Detector Containers have been finished by CERN/Geneva. Heard from CERN today they are now shipping to RAL. LiH itself is being organised by Alan Bross. Andy Nichols is working on safety and Risk Assessment together with method statements. Expected by the end of ‘08 Arriving well before the second spectrometer solenoid End 2009 Needed for heating/cooling measurement
RF Detector Cern Amplifiers are finished Daresbury finished by December – completes phase 1 RF infrastructure project (from amplifiers to cavity) review in October – progress on understanding the details of the tasks which need to be complete Orders have been placed for cavities which are long lead items. Final design review October
Beam Stop Civil Engineering Allows access to the hall while beam is running in the synchrotron. Allows us to rapidly put beam into the MICE channel when work in the hall is finished
Shield Walls Civil Engineering
CE Schedule Civil Engineering North shield wall started. False flooring imminent Hall cleared by the end of November
Software Online Focussing on the online reconstruction, with TOF applications already used in the control room to reconstruct beam profiles and time of flight.. Last week made contact with Atlas centre to start data transfer to tier1 for backup and distribution. Tests with the reconstruction of the tracker 1 with cosmic ray data. → We should be able to reconstruct about events per second with the new online cluster Work on G4Mice by Chris Rogers
Beam Physics Electron Beam Last weekend we established an electron beam into the DSA. Allows us to improve the PID algorithms by running electrons into the calorimeter (low energy so little else gets through and none of that at c) Gives us a clock to calibrate the TOF counters. Running target is mundane (not expert last weekend). Running DAQ and online monitoring is becoming so. We have a running experiment, into which we are integrating the parts Unfortunately some major parts remain to be integrated