The European Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) Participation and Role of an Italian SME: Stefano Modena
5 different JTIs ( Joint Technology Initiative) to approach and solve challenges of these years: 1.Innovative Medicines (IMI) 2.Embedded Computing Systems (ARTEMIS) 3.Aeronautics and Air Transport (“Clean Sky”) 4.Nanoelectronics Technology 2020 (ENIAC) 5.Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH) Verona Fiere – 21 ottobre 2008
Strategic role of the FCH-JTI The European Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan has identified fuel cells as a key technology for Europe for achieving a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; a 20% share of renewable energy sources in the energy mix; and a 20% reduction in primary energy use by 2020 (‘ ’ target) Verona Fiere – 21 ottobre 2008
Main JTI stakeholders Verona Fiere – 21 ottobre 2008
Partecipanti italiani JTI: Ansaldo Fuel Cells Centro Ricerche Fiat Enel Produzione Environment park ILT Technology Labor srl SAPIO Produzione Idrogeno Ossigeno SOFCpower Abruzzo Lazio Lombardia Piemonte Trentino Alto Adige Università: Torino Bologna Roma Genova Salerno CNR CESI-Ricerca ENEA Polit.Torino Verona Fiere – 21 ottobre 2008
65 companies Major share of European FC industry Representing more than 90% of total industry investment Large corporations and SMEs Shares 50% of the JTI Program Office running cost The Industry Grouping
Verona Fiere – 21 ottobre 2008
EC RG EC The Governing Board of the JTI Verona Fiere – 21 ottobre 2008
Italian company, founded in 2006 Acquisition of Swiss HTCeramix (2007) Ca.30 employees Delivers key Fuel Cell Stack technology to major European development programs Co-development projects with leading utilities and system manufacturers SOFCpower
Application, product & supply chain Application: –micro-CHP (Combined Heat & Power), distributed generation 20% demonstrated* primary energy reduction, by Japanese demonstration program Product: –„HoTbox™“ = energy generating unit for CHP system –0,5 - 1 kWe *Japanese demonstration program NEDO
-- CHP (Combined Heat and Power) Heating <60% <40 % FUEL 100% FUEL 100% Losses Electricity % FUEL 100% FUEL 100% Heating Electricity Fuel cells generate electrical energy and heat The heat, that is usual wasted in the power plant, is used for heating purposes increasing the overall efficiency. Use of biofuels: reduction of dependence from fossile fuels. Security of supply due to microgeneration Verona Fiere – 21 ottobre 2008
-- m-CHP as element of virtual power plant CHP CHP CHP Old - CENTRALISED POWERNew - DISTRIBUTED COGENERATION Verona Fiere – 21 ottobre 2008
-- Components and Modules Suppliers Components and Modules Suppliers positioning in supply chain for micro-CHP Integrators, OEM Integrators, OEM Installers, Utilities Materials Suppliers Materials Suppliers End User Balance Of Plant SOFC generators appliances & services chemicals & raw materials heating & CHP systems Blowers, boilers, electronics.. HoTbox™ Verona Fiere – 21 ottobre 2008
-- micro-CHP prototype developed with Verona Fiere – 21 ottobre 2008
-- System (BOP) Market positioning: Size and integration Building Block = Flame stack Building Block = Flame stack W1 kW0.1kW 5 kW100 kW HoTbox™ Thermal integration Fuel processing Air&Exhaust mgmt ControlHoTbox™ Thermal integration Fuel processing Air&Exhaust mgmt ControlStackStack System integrators (e.g. Boiler manufacturers) Multiple stack integration System integration Verona Fiere – 21 ottobre 2008
SOFC building blocks for larger systems development of modules up to 5 kWe further developments of the FLAME-type concept 2,5 kWe stack, expandable to cm 2 active area (60 W/cell) Verona Fiere – 21 ottobre 2008
SME and innovation of energy systems SMEs regard four factors as constituting equally important barriers to innovation*: 1.problems in access to finance, 2.scarcity of skilled labour 3.lack of market demand (long term market risks) 4.and the high cost of human resources. *
SME in the MAIP*: Strategic objectives Strategic objectives - the JTI – Program Mission The aim of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) is to execute a program ….. Carried out with the cooperation and involvement of stakeholders from Industry (including SMEs), research centres, universities and regions, MAIP*: Multi Annual Implementation Plan
Representation of SME in the JTI-JU In the JTI-board 6 of 12 seats are represented by the NEW- IG. 1 of the 12 seats is reserved for SMI representation. Currently 3 of 6 board members are from SMI Of 65 NEW-IG members: –2/3 are Large, –1/3 are SMI, = Small & Micro In Europe SME..* –Represent 60% of industrial jobs –2 out of 3 new jobs are created in SME
Conclusions The JTI Fuel Cells & Hydrogen has been launched and it‘s operative. –The first call has been published JTI has a special focus on SME participation The participation of SME in the JTI contributes to lowering the typical barriers to innovation fo the SME.
Thank You for your attention Finally SMEs growing in the sector of fuel cells & hydrogen run one major risk: …to become big companies!
SME definition
Implementation : E - Support Activities to be included in Activities E1-E11 E SME promotion: Outreach program & presentation platform S SME Promotion Development of a market and finance outreach program to produce and make available information to SMEs and develop a presentation platform towards investors and major OEMs. E SME promotion: Early demand stimulation schemes S SME Promotion Development of coordinated action towards early demand stimulation schemes with focus on strategic procurement by public institutions, cities or regions. E SME promotion: Deployment & product financing support S SME Promotion Deployment support actions to enable market entry and early sales for SMEs by product supply financing, e.g. creation of buyers pools, building of early rental/lease fleets, etc. and support to interfacing with relevant institutions. E SME promotion: Deployment & national financing deficiencies S SME Promotion Additional support to cover regional and/or national demo financing deficiencies and facilitate early deployment of SMEs by creating beneficial frameworks.