Computer Maintenance Tools for a healthy PC
Introduction Routine Computer Maintnance –Hardware –Software PC Buying Guide –Hardware –Operating Systems Software –Purchasing –Hardware Requirements
Overview Useful computer General information OS Help! Routin e tasks avoid Soft- ware buying Hard- ware
Vocabulary Hardware - anything you can kick Software - anything that does not work the way you want it to.
Routine Computer Maintance 1 Hardware –Physical Location of devices –Devices around the CPU –Devices Create Heat –Adequate Ventilation –Remove Dust Bunnies from around CPU –Look at the enclosures for the Lab CPU –Surge Protector v UPS
Routine Computer Maintance 2 Software –Operating System –Maintain a healthy file structure Use folders to organize files Easier to find files Faster for the operating system to find the files –Clean out temporary files regularly Internet Explorer Temp directory Disk Cleanup in Windows 98/2000/XP
Routine Computer Maintance 3 Software (cont.) –Disk Defragment During the regular use of a computer files are written to the physical disk at random locations. Defragmentation lines up data in such a way the operating system can find and access the data faster. Depending on how often files are created, downloaded and deleted determines how often to defragment. –Writes, saves, and deletes many files - 1 per month –Some files written, saved and deleted - every 3/4 months –Check and browse the internet - 2 per year.
Routine Computer Maintance 4 Software (cont.) –I have experienced physical drive problems affecting software more with the increase in hard drive size. –20GB or larger –Scan Disk “Maps” the hard drive to the Operating System. Run Scan Disk prior to installing software on a new computer or a new installation of an Operating System. Run Scan Disk after Defragmenter.
PC Buying Guide Hardware –Processor AMD Intel –RAM Software –Windows XP –Windows 2000 Service and Support
Software Operating System Certification label Hardware Requirements label Matching hardware and software
Summary Routine Computer Maintnance PC Buying Guide Software
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