VP Student Issues February Executive Report
2 Geoff Smith Covered by Gazette Good Audience
3 Multicultural Festival
4 Cultural Music + International Student Profiles with International Rep, they are still in cafeteria if you want to check them out! Multicultural festival was a huge success, the room was packed! International Team + David Gonzales did a great job.
5 -King’s Website covered Accessibility Gallery, (had lunch with professor from New York who noticed blog and was interested in having this project with his students)
7 Grahame Russell is a human rights lawyer and co- director of Rights Action, a Canadian NGO engaged in community development, environment and human rights work throughout Central America. He will speaking about his work with Rights Action and will be focusing on Canada's role in Central America regarding mining and resource acquisition. 7
88 Feministing
9 Feministing’s Community blog exists to provide a platform for feminist and pro-feminist writing, to connect feminists online and off, and to encourage activism. We hope that the Community blog will be a forum for a variety of feminist voices and organizations. The Community blog is open to anyone who would like to join. However, in order to maintain a progressive and safe discourse on the site, anti- feminist Community posts are not permitted; the Feministing editors believe that racism, classism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and hate speech constitute anti-feminism and have no place on the site.
11 Author of Damned Nations physician at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto assistant professor of medicine at the University of Toronto founder and executive director of War Child Canada War Child works to provide education, work opportunities and works against unjust legal systems. (War Child has a deliberate focus on women / children) War Child Canada places their focus especially on women and children in areas such as South Sudan, Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone, Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan and Darfur Samantha Nutt was named one of Canada’s 25 most influential figures by The Globe and Mail, was named one of Canada’s Five Leading Activists by Time Magazine and the World Economic Forum recognized her as one of 200 young global leaders. In 2010 she was awarded the Order of Ontario and in 2011 she was appointed to the Order of Canada. 11
12 There will be a three day compost pilot in the cafe March 11, 12, 13, with volunteers from 11-2 sitting at a booth to tell people how to compost / offering incentives to those who do compost
13 Three Awareness Weeks Left to Go Multi-Faith Awareness Week Global Issues Awareness Week Mental Health Awareness Week in conjunction with Main Campus 13
14 Multi Faith Awareness Week Monday- Jainism/Bahaii -Peace/non-violence day -Booth… have individuals sign up and be challenged to be completely non- violent for an entire week ( For Example: -compassionate eating (whether that be free range, vegetarianism or veganism) -compassion to all creatures (not killing spiders, insects ect) -compassion to others (do something nice for a stranger everyday) Tuesday- Catholic/Christianity -Trojcak on Christianity and Social Justice Wednesday- Buddhism -guided meditation and prayer Thursday- All religions -Coffee house/ guitar circle with religious music, dances, performances, food etc. -“Food, Friendship and Faith” -Booths set up in Labatt Hall with faith clubs from main 14
15 Some Past + Future Club Events EBM Rep had a awesome career night this past Thursday! Philosophy Club, “Is Philosophy Dead” Conference this past Friday Animal Rights Club, organized protests at Main Campus. “The Story of Our Lives, Connecting With Animals” Vitali 7pm, February 15th 15
16 Accessibility Week
18 Respect is what we owe; love, what we give. Respect is what we owe; love, what we give. 18