unChristian : What a new generation really thinks about Christianity David Kinnaman
The Outsiders - the main group studied GenerationAge – 2007% who are Outsiders to Christianity US Population segment Young adults %24,000,000 ‘Boomers’ %21,000,000 Elders61+23%12,000,000
Outsiders aged yrs Perceptions of Christians and Christianity ‘Favourable’ ImageA lotSome Teaches same basic ideas as other religions28%82% Has good values and principles26%76% Friendly18%71% A faith you respect16%55% Consistently shows love for other people16%55% Offers hope for the future19%54% People you trust9%52% Seem genuine and real11%41% Something that makes sense9%30% Relevant to your life10%30%
Outsiders aged yrs Perceptions of Christians and Christianity ‘Unfavourable’ ImageA lotSome Anti-homosexual66%91% Judgemental57%87% Hypocritical – doing one thing, saying another54%85% Too involved in politics46%75% Out of touch with reality37%72% Old-fashioned28%78% Insensitive to others27%70% Boring27%68% Not accepting other faiths22%64% Confusing19%61%
6 main themes expressed by Outsiders (1) Hypocritical – Saying one thing, doing another – Sceptical of morally superior attitudes – Pretending to be something unreal Too focused on getting converts – Wonder if we genuinely care about them – Feel like targets rather than people – Question our motives when trying to help them ‘get saved’ Anti-homosexual – Bigoted and show disdain for gays and lesbians – Fixated on curing homosexuals and creating political ‘solutions’ against them
6 main themes expressed by Outsiders (2) Sheltered – We do not respond to reality in appropriately complex ways – Not willing to deal with the grit and grime of people’s lives Too political – Overly motivated by a political agenda – Represent politically conservative interests and issues – ‘right wingers’ Judgemental – Quick to judge others – And not honest about attitudes and perspectives about other people – Doubt that we really love people as we say
Is the negative picture just spiritual denial? Perceptions were not formed in a vacuum – Most had previously attended a Church – 90% have about 5 or more friends who are believers Impressions were formed from people inside and outside the church Secular media influence Painful encounters that gave a bad image of Jesus – 20% of Outsiders but 33% of young adults
A response Stereotypes The history of the Church is written in the hearts and minds of faithful people over many centuries Capture of Church people by the prevailing culture!
from unChristian to Christian Respond from the right perspective Jesus laid the foundation of the Church in relationships Fruits of the Holy Spirit – love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control – A lifestyle of compassion – Bringing grace from God through the love we share