By: Sarah Dubey
Most people have “extended families.” 1. A family group that consists of parents, children, and other close relatives, often living in close proximity. 2. A group of relatives, such as those of three generations, who live in close geographic proximity rather than under the same roof.
Sometimes families break up and grow in separate directions. Re-marriages occur and new families emerge that still have a connection to the ones they left. Step families add to the family tree and create an even bigger Thanksgiving dinner!
For individuals that don’t have the strongest connection with the people they live with at home it’s easy to get involved in extracurricular activities. Youth involved in sports and clubs develop close attachments with their fellow peers and create long lasting family-like relationships.
School Soccer Team Chess Club Golf Club Examples...
Some people are involved in the work they do so much so that they stay at the same business place for lots of years. With all this time it allows for individuals to make close relationships with their coworkers. Over the years employees learn things about one another and can gain a sense of trust and respect for each other. This respect and dependability that will facilitate can develop into a family.
Most people say that family is where their most comfortable. Lots of religious folks have a passion for helping out the community and spending time with the people they care about. Other people stay involved with other outside community work and develop relationship with other compassionate people much like themselves.
The Outsiders In the popular novel, The Outsiders, 7 young men with no sense of blood related family join together and help each other through the difficulties life presents. This could be another category you may fall into. One who has an extreme love for a friend or acquaintance.