Industrial Revolution Background Information
I. The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain (years = 1750-1850). It then diffused (moved) to Western Europe and the United States from about 1850-1914.
Shift in how work got done and where people did it… A. Cottage industry: Before industrialization, items were made at home. Then they were taken to market. “MAKE AND TAKE”
B. The cottage industry shifted to the factory system B. The cottage industry shifted to the factory system. This is where workers and machinery were brought together in one location to manufacture goods.
1. Assembly line (Henry Ford really used this). The complex job of assembling many parts into a finished product was broken into tasks. Each worker performed only one or two tasks along a conveyor belt. Advantages?
2. Interchangeable parts: identical components that can be used in place of one another in manufacturing. Advantages?
Some inventions that contributed to the Industrial Revolution A. Agricultural inventions 1. crop rotation (wheat or barley one year; clover or turnips the next). Why rotate crops? B. Seed drill. Before this invention, people would toss seeds at random. This allowed farmers to plant straight rows and made it easier to weed.
3. Reaper, threshers – mechanical. These made harvesting crops easier B. Result of new agricultural inventions: fewer people were needed to work the land. If you don’t have a job on the farm anymore, where do you go to find work?
1. Flying shuttle: makes weaving easier Textile Industry (textiles = things related to making clothes). Inventions center around things used to spin thread and weave cloth. More clothing was made, and faster, and this caused the price to DROP 1. Flying shuttle: makes weaving easier 2. Spinning jenny = spin more than one thread at a time 3. Cotton gin = picked seeds out of cotton 4. Power loom = weaves by water power Power loom
Flying shuttle Spinning jenny Cotton gin
C. Transportation 1. Canal speeds up travel 2. Asphalt – made roads useable in all kinds of weather 3. The Rocket – first steam powered locomotive. It could travel 36 MPH! 4. Steamship – steam engines used on ships 5. Telegraph – messages by electronic impulses (Samuel Morse) D. Bessamer Process – removed impurities from iron and made stronger, more workable steel E. Other inventions… 1. Photography 2. Electric battery (Alessandro Volta) 3. Electric generators –replaced steam engine 4. Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell) 5. Phonograph (Edison) 6. Incandescent light bulb (Edison and Tesla) 7. Internal combustion engine (Gottlieb Daimler, Rudolf Diesel)
The Rocket Building of the Panama Canal
First phonograph First telephone
E. New ways to play! 1. Bicycling, tennis, ice skating became popular 2. Spectator sports like boxing and baseball
New ways to play continued… 3. Live performances: Barnum and Bailey Circus, melodrama and vaudeville 4. Mail order catalogs
New ways to play continued… 5. New snacks! Hershey Bar, Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola 6. Department stores created, like Macy’s; chain stores also created 7. Ragtime music Scott Joplin – “The Entertainer”
New ways to play continued… 8. Silver Screen – movies with people like Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin Eating Machine Charlie Chaplin Boxing
New ways to play… 9. Amusement parks and roller coasters First roller coaster in America (ALSO the hot dog was said to have been invented at Coney Island in 1867!)