Urban problems Solutions
Urban planning
New towns
Purpose of setting up new towns better living conditions more open space more social / community facilities
Urban renewal Urban Renewal Authority (URA) Urban decay Better living environment
Reclamation Provide more land For transport, recreation, residential, commercial uses
Improve transport network Roads Highways Railways Tunnels
West Rail Tsuen Wan Tuen Mun Yuen Long Tin Shui Wai
Tseung Kwan O Line
How can the railway solve the urban problem of HK? They can improve the link between the New Territories and the urban areas and attract more people to live in the new towns. The old urban areas can carry out urban renewal and be less crowded.
Pollution control Air pollution control To improve air quality Use cleaner fuels Car owners are punished Use public transport Plant more trees
Pollution control Water pollution control To improve water quality Sewage treatment plants Pay sewage charges Reduce use of water Reuse treated waste water
Pollution control Noise pollution control Set up laws No piling and drilling from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. and on public holidays Set up noise shields or barriers
Pollution control To handle solid waste Reopen incinerators Reduce, recycle, reuse, replace Use less plastic bags, wrapping paper, plastic bowls, foam cups Bring your own bag when shopping (BYOB)