1 About ASTD
2 What is ASTD? ASTD is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals ASTD’s members and associates come from more than 100 countries and thousands of organizations ASTD marks its beginning in 1944 when the organization held its first annual conference
3 ASTD’s Vision: –A worldwide leader in workplace learning and performance ASTD’s Mission: –Through exceptional learning and performance, we create a world that works better ASTD celebrated its 60 th anniversary in 2004 ASTD Vision and Mission
4 ASTD’s Strategic Focus
5 ASTD Global Networks ASTD Global Networks serve as the framework for member networking and offer affiliation with ASTD outside of the United States Facilitate the exchange of knowledge, resources, and perspectives among international and U.S.-based members Since 2000, 25 Global Networks have been chartered
6 ASTD’s 25 Global Networks Australia Bermuda Brazil China Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Germany Greece Hong Kong Ireland Italy
7 Kuwait Mauritius Mexico Panama Poland Portugal Russia Singapore South Africa Switzerland Taiwan United Kingdom Venezuela ASTD’s 25 Global Networks
8 ASTD Global Partners ASTD develops Global Partnerships with: High level T&D/HRD associations around the world Leading organizations and companies that are committed to workplace learning and performance Global Partnerships are established to: Connect with T&D/HRD institutions around the world Share best practices Facilitate content exchange Provide access to trends and developments in T&D/HRD on an international scale
9 ASTD’s 12 Global Partners
10 ASTD International CSTD - Canada IITD - Ireland NVO2 - Netherlands OZ - Poland Motorola University - China III - Taiwan CHRMA - Taiwan DDI Asia Pacific KMA - S. Korea Brazil Australia China Russia South Africa Mexico Panama Bermuda Venezuela Egypt Mauritius Singapore Greece UK Ireland Denmark Taiwan Hong Kong Italy Portugal Switzerland Germany Poland International Members Global Networks Global Partners
11 Upcoming ASTD Conferences ASTD TechKnowledge ® 2008 Conference & Exposition –February 26-28, 2008, San Antonio, Texas More information: ASTD 2008 International Conference & Exposition –June 1-4, 2008, San Diego, California More information:
12 Contacting ASTD Online: By By phone: By Fax: By Mail: 1640 King Street Box 1443 Alexandria, VA USA