New RPT Chairs & Co-ordinators In-service Friday, November 9, 2012 Toronto
2 School College Work Initiative Began 1997 Led by Directors of Education and College Presidents Mandate: to build and sustain better linkages between the college system and the secondary school system Goal: to support expanded and improved transitions by secondary students to college Represents 24 colleges and 70 eligible school boards Began with wide variety of activities and forums Expanded to include DUAL CREDITS in
3 Dual Credit Programs : 361 students, 36 school boards in pilot projects at 14 colleges Comprised of college-level courses in which carefully selected secondary school students may be enrolled Basically courses count as both secondary and college credits Students who meet the college-level standards in these courses granted OSSD credits as well as college credits Eligible students may take up to 4 non-compulsory OSSD credits
4 DC (cont’d) DC Programs (cont’d) Courses delivered through a variety of approaches including those on college campuses or at secondary schools Assist secondary students in the completion of their OSSD and successful transition to college and apprenticeship Primary focus on those students facing the biggest challenges in graduating Includes disengaged and underachieving students with the potential to succeed but who are at risk of not graduating from high school and students who have left high school before graduating
5 DC Programs (cont’d) Specialist High Skills Majors Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs DC Programs had another year of success in with over 16,000 students participating province-wide Include School Within a College (SWAC)
6 Growth in Dual Credit Programs pilot projects 174programs297programs472programs455programs513programs 361students3883students 7570 students 12,200students16,100students17,500students(proj.)
7 Dual Credit Student Data Report
8 DC Student Participation Student participation increased by 63% over (7,500 students to 12,200 students) Number of programs increased by 25% Students carefully selected by secondary school staff Includes Student Success Teams/Student Success Leads
9 Student Retention Rates
10 Student Success Rates
11 Student Profile 35.5% identified as “disengaged and/or underachieving” compared to 40.4% in 08/09 11.2% had previously dropped out of high school 13% identified through an IPRC process (15.6% in 08/09) 18% with current IEP (19% in 08/09)
15 School Within a College secondary credit courses taught by secondary school teachers and college DC courses taught by college professors in a collaborative learning community on a college campus 38 programs in 10/11 with 1500 students 68% increase in the number of students over last year Shift to a younger group of participants – in , 67% were 18 years and under compared to 45% in 28% had previously dropped out of school (26% in )
16 SWAC Participant Profile More students are 18 or under (67%) than in (45%) 48% of the SWAC survey respondents were working while taking the program which is consistent with the previous year 100% of respondents took at least one dual credit – up from 77% last year 28% of the total respondents have been previously absent from school for one semester or more, down from 49% in
17 Who Referred Students to SWAC?
18 Learn More Check out the SCWI websites: & & Annual symposium – May 14 th Humber College SCWI annual newsletters