Computer Science and Security By Ephrem King
Applications to Technology 0 Cryptography : Cryptography is the transformation of readable and understandable data into a form which cannot be understood in order to secure data. The word cryptography comes from the Greek word "Kryptos", that means hidden, and “Graphikos" which means writing.
Applications to Technology 0 Cryptography : 2 Types of texts: Cipher text (coded form) and Plain text (original form). History Note: One Cipher is named after Julius Caesar
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Experts in the field Q: What percentage of computer scientists, roughly speaking, work in the area of communications security? A: “Very small. Most programmers work on applications, which is as it should be: the purpose of a computer is to do useful things, not just to be secure.” -Steve Bellovin, Columbia University
Education and Programs 0 University of Toronto, Mississauga Campus The Specialist in Information Security is a Computer Science program that includes courses in all the major aspects of information and computer security.
Job Posting 0 An example would be an Analysts - Information Management / Information Technologist: 0 The candidate must have graduated with a degree from a recognized university or with a Technologist diploma from a recognized college with specialization in Computer Science, Computer / Electrical / Electronic Engineering or Network Security or professional technologist equivalency designation.
Progression in Canada 0 The Computer Sciences and Securities field has progressed in Canada. Technology in general has seen the advancement of theory, programming and security. This is evident through the increase of programs offered through Universities and Colleges, allowing people to have full time careers in Computer Science and Security.
Programming Languages 0 Computer Science and Security uses Cryptography as its language. 0 Cryptography is a language that changes information into a form of data, which cannot be understood in order to secure the materials.
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