Impact Evaluation and Property Rights and Land Policy at MCC March 5, 2009
Background: Monitoring and Evaluation at MCC Focus on Results M&E begins with Economic Analysis (EA) Cost/benefit analysis Beneficiary analysis Monitoring lets us know what is happening Select indicators (process milestones, outputs, outcomes) Set baselines and targets Track progress toward results: implementation on time, as intended Evaluation lets us know if MCC funds caused observed effects Did the intervention work? Track beneficiaries and comparable group Analyze data for future cost/benefit analysis and beneficiary analysis
How does MCC decide when an evaluation is needed? Need: Is there established evidence? (Some methods are better than others) Learning potential: What will the country, MCC, and other donors learn? Feasibility: Is it possible to create or identify a control/comparison group? How much will it cost (sample size) to detect an effect?
Property Rights and Land Policy Impact Evaluations Regulatory and legal framework (incl. planning/ zoning, taxation) Land-related outreach and education Capacity building of officials and institutional upgrading Clarification and formalization of land, resource & property rights (incl. registration, mapping, dispute resolution) Increased land productivity and value Increased transactions and investment in land and property Improved allocation of land (incl. efficient use and easier access) Reduced transaction cost (time and money) Increased tenure security (reduced risk and land conflict)
Impact Evaluations by country What are the impacts of clarification/formalization of land rights (in addition to reform, institutions and outreach) on investment in land and land productivity and value? –Benin (urban and rural) –Mozambique (urban and rural) –Mongolia (urban) –Burkina Faso (rural) What are the impacts of agriculture projects & land projects on beneficiary productivity and income? –Mali (irrigation project & titles to irrigated land) –Nicaragua (agriculture project & land regularization) –Mongolia (rangeland management & peri-urban land) –Namibia (rangeland management & land) Other (Lesotho and Madagascar)
Thank you and questions MCC website for impact evaluations: sector-land.php