The Africa Action Plan An IEG Evaluation CSO Forum April 15, 2011
The Africa Action Plan (AAP) was launched in 2005 Follow up to Glen Eagles Summit: AAP intended as a management tool to mobilize more and more effective aid in SSA A living document, updated in 2007 and 2009 Originally 109 actions in five focal areas Streamlined to eight flagship areas in 2007 and six themes in
IEG recently evaluated the AAP Requested by Executive Board (African Chair) Accountability: Did the AAP achieve its objectives? Learning: What lessons can inform the next Africa Strategy? 3
Two questions were covered by the evaluation 1.How effective was the AAP as a management tool? 2.To what extent did the AAP achieve its objectives? Caveats: Covered only areas in AAP, not entire AFR program Based on an inferred results framework Could look only at short-term results 4
Finding 1: Overall trends are in the right direction AFR lending increased even more than in other Regions. 5
6 Composition of lending shifted toward priority areas.
7 But overall aid flows did not reach Glen Eagles targets.
Finding 2: The AAP was not effective as a management tool Relevant goals but poor preparation and implementation Top-down Weakly integrated with country strategies and across WBG Poorly articulated results framework A missed opportunity for strategic thinking Insufficient focus on some key issues Capacity development Quality of learning Reproductive health Environmental sustainability Bottom line: Little impact or influence 8
Survey results indicate lack of influence 9
Finding 3: Achievement of AAP objectives was mixed Theme 1: Acceleration of Growth Substantial increase in support for private sector-led growth Moderate effectiveness: positive trends in transport and water, difficulties in energy and agriculture Progress on regional integration agenda Strong economic growth in Africa overall 10
Theme 2: Inclusive and Sustainable Growth Major changes in health, education, social safety net and gender objectives across three AAP iterations Inadequate attention to environment Limited relevance and mixed WB performance overall Some positive country outcomes in advancing achievement of MDGs 11
Theme 3: Building Capable States and Improving Governance Highly relevant but poorly designed – not a strong framework to advance the agenda Substantial Bank support No improvement in governance in AFR overall, though improvement in selected countries 12
Theme 4: Aid Effectiveness Major downsizing of objectives over time Weak design, few links with country programs, little effort to track progress Progress toward outcome-driven national development strategies and WBG alignment and harmonization No improvement in WB project portfolio performance 13
Project performance in Africa was below that in other regions Project Performance, FY
The evaluation offers lessons & suggestions Process is as important as content – be inclusive Be clear why strategy is needed and how it relates to country strategies Set realistic targets and monitor progress Pay careful attention to implementation Some key issues for the next strategy Why weak project outcomes? How to improve donor coordination? How to promote scaling up of aid? How to step up support for regional infrastructure investments? How to enhance capacity development and strengthen M&E systems? 15
Thank you Evaluation is available at : 16