Amity International Business School AIBS MBAIB 2 nd Sem Cross Cultural Management By KP Kanchana
Amity International Business School Modalities of Cross-Cultural Dimensions
Amity International Business School Edward T. Hall and Cultural Contexts Hall, E. T., Beyong Culture, Anchor Press / Doubleday
Amity International Business School High context High context depends heavily upon: –external environment –situational context –non-verbal behavior –meaning indirectly conveyed –relationships are long-lasting –agreements may be verbal & changeable
Amity International Business School Low context External environment less important Direct, often blunt communication Non-verbal behavior less important Explicit information given, ambiguity avoided Meaning directly conveyed relationships are shorter-term
Amity International Business School Characteristics of High-Context cultures long lasting relationships communication is economical, fast and efficient wider range of communicative expressions people in authority are personally responsible for the actions of subordinates
Amity International Business School In high-context cultures … Agreements between persons are spoken rather than written Insiders and Outsiders are distinguished Cultural patterns are ingrained and relatively slow to change
Amity International Business School Characteristics of Low-Context Cultures shorter relationships messages are made explicit authority is diffused agreements are written rather than spoken
Amity International Business School In low-context cultures … Insiders and Outsiders are less closely distinguished Cultural patterns are relatively fast to change
Amity International Business School Critique of Hall’s Model qualitative insights rather than quantitative data useful in understanding how members of different cultures develop business relationships