These answers are right in the text, and they are usually easy to find. The words used to make up the question are RIGHT THERE in the text. The words used to answer the question are RIGHT THERE in the same sentence.
What do the Curtis boys like to eat for breakfast? Answer: chocolate cake Proof: p.105 “All three of us like chocolate cake for breakfast.”
The answer to these questions is in the text, but you need to put together different pieces in information to find it. Words for the question and words for the answer are not found in the same sentence. They come from different places in the selection.
How do the greasers show their loyalty to one another? Give three examples. Answer – › Johnny defends Dally to Marcia and Cherry even though he just told him to “lay-off” them. (p. 26) › Dally helps Johnny and Pony after Bob is killed. (pp ) › The Curtis brothers leave the front door unlocked at night in case one of their buddies needs a place to stay. (p. 105)
Notice the answer for this question comes from three sections of the book. The examples come from page 26, pages 58-62, and page 105. You had to “put together” the information to answer the question.
Common subjects › character traits › conflict › theme › mood › tone
The answer is NOT in the story. To answer the question use › background knowledge › what the author tells you in the text › how it fits together
Why does Ponyboy write The Outsiders?
Possible Answer › Ponyboy probably wants to tell his story to help other teenagers who are feeling left out. He wants them to know what Johnny said. He states, “It was too late to tell Dally.” (p. 177) However, he realizes there are probably hundreds of other kids who might benefit from hearing what he has to stay. He also may have written it as a tribute to his dead friends. If my friends died the way Johnny and Dally died, I would probably want to make sure they hadn’t died in vain. I would want their story told.
Answer is not in the text You don’t have to have read the text to answer the question. These questions are answered using your own experience. These questions are often thematic in nature.
What affect can a teen’s peer group have on his or her behavior? In what ways can a group of non-related people still function like a family?