Reality Check What a new generation really thinks about Christianity … and why it matters
Who are we & why this class? Kevin Bowman Product of the Joy Bus in the 1980s Wife & two kids Member at Cordova 27yrs Deeply rooted in this congregation through relationship Christian literature challenge & inspires me to open God’s word Dave Davis Grew up “outside;” a good woman brought me “inside” 1 wife, 2 kids, 1 job Been at Cordova for 12yrs Part Vulcan; like things to be logical & tangible; “path to faith” followed-suit This book and my “ah-ha!” moment
Perceptions Just what exactly do you think the average person thinks about Christians & Christianity? Why do you think these perceptions exist? Do they reflect reality, or not? Should these perceptions matter to Christians?
Reality check This class is an in-depth study which centers on these very questions Things to keep in mind – The information is data-based; statistical research with depth & breadth (not just our opinion) – It’s not just data; it’s a thoughtful analysis of its implications on the state of society & Christianity
Disclaimers No hidden agenda – we will present information & discuss how that information impacts Christianity Discussion will be scripturally grounded Concepts might be challenging & perceptions may sting – but ultimately the knowledge should be empowering We are genuinely open to feedback
Some terminology Outsiders – Those looking at the Christian faith from the outside Christian – For the sake of this discussion: a follower of Christ who embodies service, compassion, humility, forgiveness, patience, kindness, peace, joy, goodness, and love unChristian – What Christianity looks like to the outsider Mosaics – The generation born between (ages 10-28) Busters – The generation born between (ages 29-47)
The Outsiders GenerationAge (in 2007)% “outsiders” to Christianity Elders61+23% Boomers % Adult Mosaics & Busters % Older Mosaics & young Busters % Being “outside” is growing more common; each generation has more outsiders than the last Older Mosaics & younger Busters = 24 million Americans This class is based on the belief that God wants us to care about these “outsiders” because He loves them (2 Peter 3:9; Luke 15:28-32) Perceptions that we’ll discuss aren’t just held by outsiders; those inside the church see this as well
Pause & think How is today’s youth (16-29) different from yesterday’s? How are they the same? Think of some characteristics…
Busters & Mosaics vs. Boomers & Elders The youth of today are different – Relationships reign supreme – Loyal to the tribe, yet fiercely individual – Crave new, eclectic experiences – Tolerate ambiguity & understand life is not perfect – A constant barrage of marketing & advertising makes them question everything; but willing to evaluate – Technology connects them to information & each other in ways us old folks often don’t appreciate – Looking for a faith they can experience, not just be a part of
Busters & Mosaics vs. Boomers & Elders We’re losing them – There is a growing resentment & hostility toward Christianity – In 1996, despite fewer active Christians, Christianity itself enjoyed a strong positive image among outsiders – Today, two of every five outsiders have a negative impression of Christianity We can’t simply wait this out – Hoping that the youth will eventually “grow up” and “come home” won’t work – The church is obligated to recognize & understand this gap (2 Peter 3:9; Luke 15:11-32)
The disconnect Unfavorable ImageOutsidersChurchgoers Anti-homosexual91%80% Judgmental87%52% Hypocritical85%47% Too involved in politics75%50% Out of touch with reality72%32% Old-fashioned78%36% Insensitive to others70%29% Boring68%27% Not accepting of other faiths64%39% Confusing61%44% We’ll look at these results as a set of six broad themes
Six broad themes Hypocritical Get saved! Antihomosexual Sheltered Too political Judgmental
Feedback Kevin – Dave –
Perceptions: The favorable Favorable ImageA lotA lot or some Teaches the same basic idea as other religions28%82% Has good values & principles26%76% Friendly18%71% A faith you respect16%55% Consistently shows love for other people16%55% Offers hope for the future19%54% People you trust9%52% Seems genuine & real11%41% Something that makes sense9%41% Relevant to your life10%30%