Progress in Implementing the Gender Mainstreaming Strategy September 15, 2005 Mayra Buvinic Director, Gender and Development World Bank.


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Presentation transcript:

Progress in Implementing the Gender Mainstreaming Strategy September 15, 2005 Mayra Buvinic Director, Gender and Development World Bank

2 Where does the Bank stand in terms of mainstreaming gender issues? 4 Trends

3 1. Overall, increased level of effort achieved in FY03 was maintained in FY04 & FY05 2. Operations ahead of diagnostic and analytical work 3. Social sectors ahead of non-social sectors (better data, more expertise) 4. Design ahead of implementation (weak monitoring and evaluation)

FY02 N=9 FY03 N=7 FY04 N=7 * Incomplete sample In order to estimate this average, PAs with no mention of gender issues received a rating of 0; PAs with marginal attention to gender issues received a rating of 1; PAs with adequate coverage of gender issues received a rating of 2; and PAs with a better than adequate coverage of gender received a rating of 3. Attention to Gender in Poverty Assessments FY02-05 Country Analytical Work: FY05 N=8*

5 Attention to Gender in CASs FY98-99FY00-01FY02-03FY04-05 * In order to estimate this average, CASs with no mention of gender issues received a rating of 0; CASs with analysis but no actions proposed received a rating of 1; CASs with proposed gender actions in one or more sectors received a rating of 2. Change in the Average Rating of Gender Integration in CASs* FY98 to FY05 N =37N =28N =34N =52 Country Analytical Work:

6 Attention to Gender in Core ESW (FY02-FY05) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% FY02FY03FY04FY05 N=15 N=11N=17N=25 NOTE: Core ESWs do not include Poverty Assessments

7 Lending operations 80% of FY03 lending operations (n=85, excluded n=17) integrated gender in design 87% of FY04-05 lending operations (n=83, excluded n=20) integrated gender in design

8 Operations ahead of analysis Source: Annual Monitoring Reports for FY02, FY03 & FY Note: Analytical work includes PAs, country diagnostic ESW, and CASs. Based on available data, results for lending operations were aggregated for FY % 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% FY01FY02FY03FY04FY05 Lending operations Analytical work

9 Source: Quality Assurance Group (QAG), Summary Report, Poverty and Social Aspects (2003). None in Energy, Poverty Reduction, PSD 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percentage of Gender Integration in Design 1 Social & Non-Social Sectors Gender Integration in Social and Non-Social Sectors Social Sectors: Health, Education Rural/ SDV Public Sector, Water, Transp Urban Transport Economic Policy Social sectors ahead of non-social sectors

10 Design ahead of implementation Less than 60% included gender indicators Less than 60% included gender indicators Fewer than one half included women equally in program benefits Fewer than one half included women equally in program benefits Only 38% of projects under supervision in FY03-04 addressed gender issues Only 38% of projects under supervision in FY03-04 addressed gender issues 80% in FY04 and 87% in FY05 integrated lending in design, but: (data for FY04)

Next Steps Resources assigned to: strengthening economic analytical and research work gender in non-social sector lending collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated data monitoring and evaluation in-country institutional capacity