Slide 1 of 21 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall What Is Science?


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Presentation transcript:

Slide 1 of 21 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall What Is Science?

Slide 2 of 21 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Science: -investigates and explains how the natural world works.

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 3 of 21 Science is a very broad area of study. - divided into many specific branches Examples include: -Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science, Earth Space Science ……. In this class we will study the branch of science known as BIOLOGY Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 4 of 21 What will we study in Biology? Bio: means life ology: means the study of Therefore, biology is: the study of all living organisms. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 5 of 21 Biology is also a very broad area of study. -living organisms can range from the simplest organisms like…. bacteria Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 6 of 21 -to the most complex organisms like……… humans. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 7 of 21 This course will contain A LOT of new vocabulary. Most of this vocabulary is based upon a group of Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes like bio and ology. Learning these prefixes and suffixes will make learning biology much easier. So just do it!!!!! Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 8 of 21 Biology is subdivided into many different branches: Microbiology: the study of small living organisms Zoology: the study of animals Physiology: the study of how body parts function. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 9 of 21 Ecology: the study of how organisms interact with each other and their environment. Botany: the study of plants. Anatomy: the study of where body parts are located. Genetics: the study of how traits are inherited. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 10 of 21 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall The Scientific Method a procedure scientist follow to investigate and understand what is occurring in the world around us. Step 1: Observation of a problem. What is the purpose of your investigation.

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 11 of 21 Scenario: Today all is well. Tomorrow you come into class and our fish is dead. Example: We observed that the fish died Our Purpose: Determine why did it die??? Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 12 of 21 Step 2: Do your research ….. gain new knowledge about the topic. …..use your prior knowledge / what do you already know? What do you already know about fish?????? Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 13 of 21 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Explaining and Interpreting Evidence Step 3: Form a hypothesis. -a proposed explanation for a set of observations. It must be testable. -know an “Educated Guess” -educated because it is based on prior knowledge. -a guess because it can be proven true or false.

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 14 of 21 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Explaining and Interpreting Evidence A hypothesis must be proposed in a way that can be tested. -it must be a statement -it can not be a question -If…………then……….. statement

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 15 of 21 Our classroom pet, Goldie the goldfish suddenly died. Formed hypothesis as to why Goldie died:: If……………………. then……………… Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 16 of 21 What’s the tie up? Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 17 of 21 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Step 4: Experimental Procedure An experiment is the procedure used to test whether your hypothesis is correct. There are two types of groups in an experiment: 1. A control group 2. One or more experimental groups

Slide 18 of 21 Parts of an experiment: Constants: These factors are held constant or the kept the same in every set up. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Variable: Is the one factor that is being tested with the experiment.

Slide 19 of 21 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall The control group is the setup in an experiment that has all factors as close to normal conditions as possible. The experimental group is the same as the control group, except it contains the one variable that has been changed and that is being tested.

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 20 of 21 -Scientist must control the conditions and variables of their experiments to get useful data. -If more than one variable is tested it would be very difficult to determine why the results occurred. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 21 of 21 Our thoughts: Our poor fish Goldie died because the temperature of the water was too hot. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Our hypothesis: If the water was too hot then the fish would have died.

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 22 of 21 Our controlled experiment -will have four set ups One Control group (as close to normal conditions as possible for a goldfish) Three Experimental groups (each identical to the control setup except for the one variable that is being tested). Our experimental variable will be temperature. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 23 of 21 Our Control setup: As close to normal conditions as possible; room temp (22 degrees Celsius), 1 of the same type of plants 3 gallons purified water, 50 grams of stones 3 fish (same age and type),.5 grams of food each day, 14 hours of light, pH of 7 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 24 of 21 Our three Experimental Setups: tank 1tank 2 tank 3 12 degrees 32 degrees 42 degrees In each tank: 3 gal purified water, 50 grams of stones 3 fish (same age and type),.5 grams of food each day, 14 hours of light, pH of 7 and 1 of the same type of plants Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 25 of 21 If all the fish in experimental tank two and three died, what conclusion might you draw? Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Our control group: Our three Experimental Setups: tank 1 tank 2 tank 3 22 degrees 12 degrees 32 degrees 42 degrees In each tank: 3 gal purified water, 50 grams of stones 3 fish (same age and type),.5 grams of food each day, 14 hours of light, pH of 7,2 of the same type of plants

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 26 of 21 Step 5: Collect and analyze the data that you collected. Look at the results of your experimentation. Scientist usually perform their experiments many times to be sure they get similar answers every time. Data is information they collected during an experiment. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

Slide 27 of 21 Step 6: Form a conclusion based upon the collected data. If the hypothesis is not supported….go back to step 2. (form a new hypothesis and experiment more) If the hypothesis was supported…… Then redo to make sure your results are right. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 28 of 21 Lastly: Scientist must replicate their work (make sure their results are correct) and truthfully share their work and results by publishing it for others to view (so others can recheck it). Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

Slide 29 of 21 Consumer’s Challenge Lab Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 30 of 21 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Science as a Way of Knowing Scientific understanding is always changing. Good scientists are skeptics who question both existing ideas and new hypotheses. Therefore, nothing in science is absolute. -constantly be updated -things are constantly improving

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 31 of 21 Example: What is this? Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 32 of 21 Hypothesis: Educated guess / a proposed testable explanation of an event. Scientific Law: Describes what happens ScientificTheory: Explains why it happens Examples: Cell theory, Theory of Evolution, Plate Tectonic Theory Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

Slide 33 of 21 There are two types of observations that can be collected during an experiment: -Quantitative observations -Qualitative observations Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 34 of 21 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Thinking Like a Scientist Quantitative observations: Root word? Quantity Quantitiative observations are: expressed with numbers obtained by counting or measuring. Example: mass, volume, temperature, length

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 35 of 21 Qualitative observations: Root word? Quality Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Qualitative observations are: -descriptive -involve characteristics that can’t easily be measured. -Obtained by using your senses. -Example: color, texture, smell

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 36 of 21 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Apples

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 37 of 21 Your boss thinks that a special juice will increase the rate in which his employees work. -He creates two groups of 50 workers. -Each group is given the same task to perform. -The task given to the workers is to staple a sets of papers. -Group A is given the 50 ml of a special juice to drink while they work. -Group B is not given the special juice, they are given 50 ml of water to drink.. -After an hour, your boss counts how many stacks of papers each group has made. -Group A made 1,587 stacks -Group B made 2,113 stacks Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 38 of 21 Homer Simpson notices that his shower is covered in a strange green slime. His friend Barney tells him that coconut juice will get rid of the green slime. -Homer decides to check this out by spraying half of the shower with 10 ml of coconut juice. -He sprays the other half of the shower with 10 ml of water. -After 3 days of "treatment" there is no change in the appearance of the green slime on either side of the shower. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 39 of 21 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 40 of 21 White powders:Testing liquids: A – Baking sodaWater B – Corn strachAcetic acid C – Powder sugarIodine Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 41 of 21 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall WATER: Foams or no Foam VINEGAR: Foams and no foamIODINE: Yellow or Dark Brown in color A. Baking soda FOAMS NO FOAMING YELLOW BROWN B. Corn starch FOAMS NO FOAMING YELLOW BROWN C. Powder sugar FOAMS NO FOAMING YELLOW BROWN MYSTERY MIXTURE FOAMS NO FOAMING YELLOW BROWN

1-1 What Is Science? Slide 42 of 21 SAMPLE A: Baking soda 10 DROPS OF WATER 10 DROPS OF ACETIC ACID10 DROPS OF IODINE SAMPLE B: Corn starch 10 DROPS OF WATER10 DROPS OF ACETIC ACID10 DROPS OF IODINE Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall