Better Networking Dani Koleva and George Bogdanov Inspired by Richard Bennett in March April 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria 1
NETWORKS Why? When? What? but mainly… How? 2
Learning from/with each other: becoming excellent at what we do Influencing collectively: much more powerful Economies of scale: collective buying –Training –Skilled people –Even office supplies… 4
THE CLASSIC PROCESS Identifying common learning needs or potential to learn from each other Identifying common advocacy needs About ourselves & operating environment About the issues we’re passionate about Learning & training: Learning from each other; Training from outsiders Collective advocacy Information service: Issues, operating environment, good practice Lots of individual relationships Creating networking spaces 5
NETWORKS WHEN? Any time, but especially… Uncertainty –New situations –Changing environment –Threats to our effectiveness or values –when the Big Red Fish is biggest Big influencing opportunities –when we most need Little Blue Fishes Together The world is changing faster – it’s happening more often Networks are more important today than ever before 6
Organizational stability Birth Yearly years Youth Maturity Decline Aging Death Growth Try to get and stay here Organizational development 7
‘THE MESSY POWER OF COMPLEXITY’ Lots of threads, lots of knots: complex, can feel unfocused Work together makes the most of members’ –Contributions – Commitment – Skills Members contribute because they… –want to – are excited – have something to offer They stop if they feel they don’t/aren’t Benefit – purpose – energy – collective empowerment – inspiration Which delivers BIG results, when it works 9
Network dynamics: a virtuous circle Work closer together Establish basis of unity Develop clear transparent decision making Share information Build trust, get beyond competitive instincts Increase in ad hoc 1:1 relations between members Increase common understanding of issues/environment Deepen common strategy Deepen common agenda Effectiveness & impact 10
RUNNING A NETWORK Few networks survive if control is too heavy We’re used to command and control –Hierarchy –Authority at the top Networks seem loose, uncontrollable 3-D, messy, not pyramid, flexible, can change Power, authority is spread, hard to see/fix Not used to working like this, it can be scary …and that’s ok… Because it can also be hugely powerful 11
4 BASIC PRINCIPLES Diversity –Participants are different, retain their own identity Dynamism –Frees participants to be dynamic, propose activities, get involved – so need light structure, facilitative, enabling, supportive Democracy –Open, non-hierarchical, dependent on trust –Decision making seen to be fair, inclusive, effective, widespread –Leaders consult and report back Decentralisation –Shared leadership –Depends on shared vision, values, effective communication –Decisions made where they matter, where the action is 12
ROLE OF SECRETARIATS ‘Servant leadership’ Facilitating & enabling –Creating spaces for members to share… Information; Learning; Development of influencing positions –Facilitating productive use of spaces –Administration to make it happen Ensuring inclusion, preventing isolation Encouraging/supporting new members Balancing power and influence Linking the whole network with others 13
ARE SECRETARIATS SPECIALISTS? Specialists in Facilitation Strengthening threads, tightening knots Promoting collaboration, not competition Enabling communications Become specialists in Understanding members’ dimensions, needs, environment In PURE networks, other specialisms are usually a bad idea They discourage member activism and leadership But… 14
WHEN SECRETARIATS DO MORE THAN FACILITATE A completely new issue arises The sector needs only one specialist Collective purchasing is best for everyone …could mean we need an issue specialist But dangers… Lose facilitation focus Undermine member leadership & activism Create institution with its own dynamics So use with caution, and plan for Secretariat’s exit from this type of work 15
Communications: which type? 16
MINI CHECKLIST (1) Have a clear purpose –Broad consensus –The most we can realistically strive for Have clear values & principles –Members accountable to them Keep central rules to a minimum –Don’t strangle creativity Encourage everyone to lead something –Creates capacity & ownership 17
MINI CHECKLIST (2) See joint activities as more than outputs –They bring people together, lead to trust & mutual support Make dynamism & diversity goals in themselves –They bring creativity to the work View input and participation as central objectives –More engagement = more for everyone 18