PP. 435-444 22-2: ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES. Pollution Putting substances that cause unintended harm into the air, soil, or water.


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Presentation transcript:


Pollution Putting substances that cause unintended harm into the air, soil, or water

GREENHOUSE AFFECT the ability to trap heat keeps our planet warm and habitable

GLOBAL WARMING Excess CO 2 released from burning of fossil fuels Possible correlation between temperature and CO 2 levels Adds to the “greenhouse” to trapping heat Estimated that earth’s average temp with increase by 2 degrees in the next 100 years.

Ocean Acidification CO 2 dissolve rate increases with increasing temperature carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) reacts with bicarbonate (H 2 CO 3 ) to produce carbonic acid (HCO−) and carbonate (CO2−) and H+ Leads to acidification


HOLE IN THE OZONE LAYER O 3 (ozone) blocks radiation CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) from refrigerators and propellants break down ozone Localized in southern hemisphere and increased in size over time

ACID RAIN Burning of coal produces H 2 SO 4 (sulfuric acid) and burning of gasoline produces HNO 3 (nitric acid)

ACID RAIN These pollutants enter the atmosphere to form acidic water (acid rain) Changing pH causes diseases or death in trees, fish, and other organisms.

LAND AND WATER POLLUTION Bioaccumulation: pollutant from the environment enters the food chain through the lowest level Biomagnification: increase in concentration of a pollutant moving up the food chain


ECOSYSTEM DESTRUCTION Extinction Imbalances (i.e. removing keystone species, habitat destruction)