Anti-Corruption Summit 2000 For Session on Saturday, September 23, 2000, 9:45 AM Analysis conducted by the World Bank Institute, Governance Team Results.


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Presentation transcript:

Anti-Corruption Summit 2000 For Session on Saturday, September 23, 2000, 9:45 AM Analysis conducted by the World Bank Institute, Governance Team Results of Participant Survey Over 200 participant responses were received and analyzed, based on the survey that took place at the Summit Thursday, September 21st. One hundred thirty participants had access to interactive keypads (technology: Option Finder software), while 72 participants filled in paper questionnaires containing 10 questions. At the request of the sessions participants and as background for the Saturday morning session, this handout presents the results and analysis. The survey also took place via internet, with similar responses (that are not presented in this handout). At the end of this presentation you will find the 10 questions from the original survey. For further and related details, visit the conference website, or DK/PZL/EF/VM/9/22/00

Key Characteristics of the Survey Conference Participants 4% Lawyer 9% Politician 4% Professor 3% Journalist 1% Finance 8% Entrepreneur 2% Civil Servant 11% Prosecutor Economist 7% Inspector General 51%

2% 3% 9% 10% 11% 19% 22% 25% 0%5%10%15%20%25%30% Donors IFIs Legislative Bureaucracy Budget Police Judiciary High Executive/ Leadership Reported Institution Most Affected by Corruption Percentage of Respondents

Most Important Obstacle to Transparency in the Judiciary

Percentage of Respondents Institution Best Equipped to Formulate a National Anticorruption Program? A-C*: Anti-Corruption

View on How Much Corruption in Procurement Depends on Where One Sits Estimated Share of Public Contracts Tainted by Corruption & Bribe Fee Cut Opinion of:

31% 22% 24% 14% 35% 18% 6% 38% 0%10%20%30%40% Reduced Growth Increased Poverty Impairs Moral Fabric Political Instability Gov't Agency Non Gov't Agency Percentage of Respondents Opinion on Most Costly Consequence of Corruption Depends on Who Responds Respondent from:

0%10%20%30%40% High Executive/ Leadership Police Judiciary Bureaucracy Legislative Other High Medium Low Extent of Country-wide Corruption in Procurement Most Corrupt Rated Institution Depends on Extent of Corruption Country-wide Percentage of Respondents

View on Key Obstacle to Transparent Judiciary Depends on Whether Respondent Participated in an A-C Program

Most Important Obstacle to an Impartial and Transparent Judicial Process? (By Region) SSAfrica Latin America OECD Asia

Best Equipped Group to Formulate a Anticorruption National Action Program? SSAfrica Latin America OECD Asia

Implications for Teamwork Action Programming Participants agree on existence of important challenge of controlling corruption. Determination that we can/should fight against C. But Important Differences of Opinion: -- Magnitude/nature of challenge in each country? -- More Vulnerable Institutions to Corruption? -- Institutional Determinants of Corruption? -- Who should work in the National A-C Program? Providing Space-for-Consensus is fundamental

Anti-Corruption Summit 2000, XV International Financial Management Conference, September 21 – 23, 2000 Instant Survey on Governance Thursday, September 21 st 12:00-12:15 PM 1 - JOB Which of the following best describes the nature of the organization where you work? 1Government Agency/Public Institution 2Judiciary / Court 3Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) 4Media/journalist/communications 5Consulting Firm/individual consultant 6Academia/University 7Private Sector 8International Organization 2 - Profession Which of the following best describes the nature of the organization where you work? 1Auditor/Inspector General 2Judge / Prosecutor 3Economist 4Civil servant 5Entrepreneur 6Finance 7Professor/Lecturer 8Journalist 9Politician 10Lawyer 3 - Regional Expertise Which of the following best describes your regional/country expertise? (choose one) 1 Sub-Saharan Africa 2 Middle East / North Africa 3 Asia 4 Latin America/Caribbean 5 Eastern Europe / FSU 6 USA 7 Europe / Other OECD Continued on Next Page

4 - Extent of corruption in your Region/Country of Expertise In what share of all public procurement contracts awarded within your country/region of work are additional payments made to win the contract? 10% 21-10% % % % % % % % % 5 – Cost of corruption in your Region/Country of Expertise When unofficial payments are made in public procurement contracts, what percentage of the value of the contract is expected to be paid in order to win the contract? 1No unofficial payments ever made 21-10% % % % % % % % % 6 - Costs of Corruption Which of the following possible negative consequences of corruption is the MOST costly? 1Reduces economic growth and investment 2Increases poverty/reduces services to the poor 3Threatens moral fabric 4Increases political instability Continued on Next Page

7 - Vulnerable Institutions What is the institution most affected by corruption in your region of expertise? 1The Judiciary / Courts 2Police 3Legislature 4Executive (presidency/ cabinet / senior officials) 5Civil service / bureaucracy 6Budget institutions (customs / tax / procurement, etc.) 7Donor agencies 8International investors/Domestic enterprises 8 - Obstacles to fair justice system What is the most important obstacle to an impartial and transparent judicial process in your region of expertise? (choose one) 1Powerful economic interests / Elite influence 2Political interference / Lack of independence 3Inadequate salaries 4Absence of job security 5Inadequate training 6Judges are not selected based on meritocracy 9 - Anticorruption Action Programming What is the best-equipped group to formulate a national action program to control corruption? 1Enforcement Agencies 2Anticorruption Commission/Agency 3Broad Group from Executive/Government Agencies 4International Experts with Government Officials 5Legislative (Parliament) 6NGOs with expertise 7Broader Civil Society Coalition (with private sector) 8Coalition of Civil Society/Government/Legislative/Judiciary 9National Anticorruption Programs are not helpful 10 - Participation in Action Program Formulation 1I have participated in Anticorruption programs in the past and plan to participate in Saturday mornings exercise 2I have not participated in Anticorruption programs in the past but plan to participate in Saturday mornings exercise 3I have participated in Anticorruption programs in the past but cannot participate in Saturday mornings exercise 4I have not participated in Anticorruption programs in the past and cannot participate in Saturday mornings exercise