Fedora Commons Overview and Future Plans Sandy Payette, Executive Director Cornell University Library Metadata Working Group June 13, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Fedora Commons Overview and Future Plans Sandy Payette, Executive Director Cornell University Library Metadata Working Group June 13, 2008

A Brief History… Fedora Project Phase 1 Digital Repository Web services XML Fedora Project Phase 2 SOA More Services Semantic Technologies Fedora Commons Durable Digital Objects Data (curation; linking) Enable Use and Re-Use Bridge Web and Enterprise Open source integrations Major Funders Mellon Moore Mellon Community, Partners, Donors (c)(3) Non-profit

Scholarly Communication Preservation and ArchivingSemantic Knowledge Spaces Use Cases We Support… Data Curation and Linking ScienceHumanities R.D.W. Connor

Users of Fedora Commons open source software National Libraries and Archives University Libraries and Archives Research Institutions Museums and Culture Organizations Semantic and Virtual Digital Libraries National Repository Consortia Publishing and Professional Societies Medical Centers and Libraries Government Agencies

Your Applications Storage Layer Fedora Services and Middleware Layer OtherFast Disk Fedora Repository Manage API Access API Registry Search RDF Query Access ServiceBind Manage Policy Ingest Validate Registry RDF Index Store Fedora Services Honeycomb Scholarly and e-Research Web 2.0 Digital Libraries Archive Asset Management Other OAI Etc. Search Ingest How?

Working Together with Target Communities … preserve/archive e-research data curation open access publication FC – 2008 Community Solution Councils

Current Collaborative Engagements IA BHL Sun PLoS JHU UVA NSDL ORE BNF Oxford Aquifer Portico DSpace EOL DRSG Adore Sakai FIZ Kuali Hull Rutgers open access data curation institutional repo e-research preservation archiving CUL DOING PLANNING TALKING

Technology Perspective

Fedora Commons Open Source Projects Fedora Repository Project The original Fedora Project Fedora Middleware Project Service integration and enterprise-orientation for repositories Akubra Storage Project New storage plug-in architecture; transactional file system; Topaz Project Incubated project; persistence service based on semantic triplestore Mulgara Triplestore Project Independent, but FC supports developer; highly scalable triplestore Fedora Commons open source projects can be integrated together.

Fedora Repository – Key Features Digital Object Model –Aggregate content “datastreams” in an object… any type of content –Intermix both local content and external content –Relationships among digital objects (via RDF) –Register “content models” for known object patterns Repository Service –Modular –Web service interfaces (REST/SOAP) –Versioning –Dynamic service binding based on object content model types –File-centric (all essential characteristics in XML files) –RDF-based indexing (semantic triplestore index with query) –Security with pluggable authentication and XACML policies –Journaling (replay all events to create replicas of repository)

DC Persistent ID RELS-EXT Audit Trail Datastream 1 Datastream 2 Datastream n Reserved Datastreams Datastreams (any type, any number) (relationships and properties) Basic Building Block: Fedora Digital Object Model Policy

Forming Collections… with relationships PID 5 PID 3 PID 2 isMemberOfCollection Query PID1 isMemberOfCollection “Smiley Stuff “ Collection Object

Digital Objects... with compositional relationships

Digital Objects… information network PID 5 PID 4 PID 1 PID 3 PID 2 providesContext annotates hasPart Amazon Web Service External commercial web content library content scholarly object

Fedora APIs (SOAP and REST) Fedora Repository Service For creating, managing, providing access to various and sundry objects Manage API Access API Registry Search RDF Query Ingest Validate Manage Policy Access RDF IndexStoreRegistry File system (Objects) RDBMS (Registry) CMABind Triplestore

Roadmap Perspective

Roadmap – Active Themes Ease of use Re-use and interoperability Web orientation Improved modularity Pluggable storage Workflow engine Messaging RDF and Semantic technologies Content models Solution bundles (including end-user applications)

2008 Notable Themes Solution bundle – out of box application for repositories –“IR2” (Institutional Repository Application “Take 2”) –Institutional repository  moving towards enabling e-research –Turn-key out of box user experience –Means of achieving (2 strategies under consideration): FC and community developers build a brand new application Fedora + DSpace collaboration “Easy fit” repositories behind the collaborative web –Motivation: enable seamless integration with e-research applications (e.g., Zotero) and enable re-use and sharing of repository content –Object Reuse and Exchange (ORE) libraries –Lightweight interfaces on Fedora repository –Lightweight web protocol on Fedora repository (e.g., Atom, SWORD)

Fedora APIs (SOAP and REST) Better integration with web and workflows Manage API Access API Registry Search RDF Query Ingest Validate Manage Policy Access RDF IndexStoreRegistry File system (Objects) RDBMS (Registry) CMABind Additional APIs: SWORD (2008) APP (full) ? JSR 170 ? Other ? OAI-ORE (2008)Atom (2008)new formats Triplestore

Replication to Archival Storage Replica repositories, each with different underlying storage system; useful for failover, redundancy, archiving Now: Fedora Journaling Future: Journal Event Messaging via Fedora JMS Sun Honeycomb Leader Repository Follower Repository Can configure multiple “followers” Journal Event Log API events

Fedora Repository Service GSearch OAI Ingest Simple JMS Simple JMS Better Service Integration More… First, we are providing simple messaging (via ActiveMQ in Fedora 3.0) repository publishes events services listen and consume events or other messages Next, lightweight integration with workflow engine(s); orchestration

DC Persistent ID RELS-EXT Audit Trail Image Preserve Metadata Custom Metadata The Model-Driven Repository: Content Models and Service Models Policy DC RELS-EXT Model Type Def DC RELS-EXT Service Def hasServiceDef hasModel Persistent ID Fedora Repository handles dynamic service binding at runtime

DC Persistent ID RELS-EXT Audit Trail Image Preserve Metadata Custom Metadata Runtime : dynamic services available on all objects that conform to the content model Policy Get-Thumbnail-Size-Image Get-Web-Size-Image Get-High-Resolution-Image

File system (Objects) Akubra Project … backend storage interoperability Manage API Access API Registry Search RDF Query Store Fedora Repository Service Triplestore (Mulgara/MPTStore) RDBMS (registry) Akubra Plug-in 1Plug-in 2Plug-in 3 Transactional File System Sun Honeycomb New pluggable storage framework

Elevator Speak Takeaway…

Sloganfest 2008 – Simple Message