SWHISA: PMC meeting 4th Work Plan Review and Approval 21 May 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

SWHISA: PMC meeting 4th Work Plan Review and Approval 21 May 2008

Preparation of plan Guideline on preparing the work plan distributed All woreda PIs closely involved Woreda Plan officially submitted to SWHISA Regional PIs closely involved SWHISA teams closely worked with PIs Compilation and some review done by management

Main observations –Involvement of Woreda offices was a step forward –Content wise Woredas incorporated activities out of the mandates of SWHISA –Regional PIs proposed Activities that are out of the scope of the project Procurement Nonetheless, compared to earlier years participation of PIs both at Woreda and Region was very encouraging

2. Main PSC directions on important issues  Scope of the project to remain unchanged and should be limited to project components and geographic project areas; All addendum plan activities should be restricted to the three project components as agreed upon by CIDA and ANRS. –Environment –Capacity development and training in water harvesting and irrigation development –Development activities related to water harvesting and irrigation development

Bureau Heads to include project work plan in their own work plan. Bureau Heads to instruct woredas to include SWHISA work plan in their own work plan Explore means to link SWHISA with other CIDA supported projects in the region (Safety net, MERET) to secure investment funding for some SWHISA development activities planned by woredas.

Key Strategies for Sustainability Consolidation and Institutionalization Transfer of ownership to PIs and woredas with a greater focus at zone and woreda Greater involvement of zone and woreda in implementation Proactive collaboration with all partner institutions

3. Main highlights of the plan OUTCOME 1000 Contribute to Improved Knowledge and Skills of Farm Families and CBOs in Household Water Harvesting, Irrigated Agriculture and Soil and Water Conservation.

Establishing and strengthening Farmer Focus Groups Community watershed committees to be formed in each pilot watershed HHWHS to be formed in Delanta and Menzmama woredas Training of 390 farmers (by TDTs) Experience sharing visits Farmer field days Awarding best performing farmers Gender and HIV/AIDS part of all trainings

Strengthening of capacity of woreda PI to develop skills of farm families Monthly meeting of TDTs Study tours Various Specific technical training for TDTS including DAs –84 TDT members and 115 Das

Improving On-farm use of irrigated agricultural production techniques. 11 PTD trials at FFG sites (8 ongoing, 3 new) TDTs support management of PTDs Lessons and experiences disseminated

Strengthening Watershed Management Mgmt plan for each pilot W/shed by WoARD Mobilization of Resources for implementation of plans (safety net & other programs) Establish Community nursery at each pilot w/shed Establish Community managed catchment Devt. schemes in each pilot Implementation of Gonj Community W/shed Devt. Experience sharing visit for WMC leaders

Enhancing active participation of Women in Water Harvesting and Irrigated Agriculture TOP-IT-UP continues Developing gender equality, and HIV/AIDS modules; incorporate in extension materials, programs, trainings Developing basic gender analysis tools for PIs Gender analysis TOT Experience sharing visits by farmers Training of farmers in Sanitation, hygiene, & HIV/AIDS (180 FFG members)

OUTCOME 2000 Contribute to Schemes Owned and Sustainably Managed by Owners

Improving the Study and Design of Sustainable Irrigation Schemes Participatory design guidelines for study and designing of SSIP completed by BoWRD Gonj water resource development plan feasibility study completed by BoWRD Reviewing the design and development plans of Gonj, and other sand dams Recommendation for the process of institutional coordination Training of BoWRD on design of water control in SSIPs Training of Zone & WoWRD staff on project cycle, project planning ….

Establishing and strengthening WUA/ICs Establish ICs in Menzmama and Delanta Conducting PRA Preparation and implementation of M&E guideline for WUAs/ICs Monitoring of performance of IC management by CPA Training of IC management leaders in irrigation operation & maintenance

Improving Quality of Irrigation Scheme rehabilitation and upgrading Reviewing and finalizing Construction management procedure manual by BoWRD & AWWCE Training of BoWRD & AWWCE engineers in Construction management procedure Upgrading of 3 traditional schemes, & rehabilitation of 3 modern schemes Designing & building 3 Model community WH structures Completing the design and building Sand dams (PSNP resource) Designing and constructing water measuring devices at 12 SSIS

Improving Environmental Management Conducting Gonj EIA Conducting environment monitoring on SWHISA projects Producing IEE and EIA sectoral guidelines by EPLAUA for PIs

Constructing Household Water Harvesting systems Completing HHWHS in woredas (10/woreda) Training of woreda staff on Cost benefit analysis and performance evaluation of HHWHS Different HHWHS designs and techniques tested, evaluated and documented Testing, Evaluating, and documenting different HHWHS designs

OUTCOME 3000 Contribute to Strengthening the Woreda and the Development of an Integrated Institutional Platform

Improving cooperation among stakeholders at woreda level Assessing institutional linkages with regard to planning, implementing, & monitoring of Devt. Plans Workshop to discuss on recommendations

Strengthening woreda organizational functions, systems and outputs Training of Woreda Admin & line offices on strategic planning Constructing Demonstration HHWHS in selected FTCs Construction of DA offices (5) Strengthening 6 FTCs as information resource centers

Improving Woreda human resources Training on leadership and interactive management for senior woreda administrators Conducting comprehensive training need assessment in water resource development 8 MSC, 30 BSc, 6 Diploma trainings for WoARD Basic computer skill training for 24 WoARD experts Training on gender and HIV/AIDS analytical tools

Improving woreda work methods and computer facilities  Provision of field study materials and equipments (Aerial photographs, …) for watershed studies

OUTCOME 4000 Contribute to the Strengthening of Regional Institutions, and the Inter-agency Cooperation Including Woredas

Strengthening BoWRD’s Organizational Functions, Human Resource Practices, and work methods Developing a guideline on SSWH schemes planning and design and training of staff Leadership and project planning and management training for senior managers and department heads Various trainings for experts –Participatory planning and design of SSWHS –Surveying software, –Irr agronomy, –watershed, BOQ determination –Training in It system administration

BoWRD contd Developing WRDB system Developing GIS database on the location of SSI and HHWH schemes Procurement of Silt flashing, and Bathymetric survey equipments Procurement of topographic survey equipment for each woreda Procurement of reference materials Mainstreaming of Gender and HIV/AIDS

Strengthening ARARI’s Organizational Functions, Human Resource Practices, and work methods Leadership and project planning and management training for senior managers and department heads Various technical trainings for researchers –Small scale IWM Practices and Research Methodologies; –On farm water control design and application; –Crop soil and water balance application softwears (SWAT, Cropwat –Application of models in watershed management –In country study tours to national research centers –On going M.Sc education –GIS –International study tour

ARARI Contd..I Irrigation research infrastructure development at two centers Equipping soil laboratories Construction of field offices and stores Procurement and installation of sediment and runoff monitoring equipments at Debremewi

Strengthening BoARD’s Organizational Functions, Human Resource Practices, and work methods Leadership and project planning and management training for senior managers and department heads International study tour MSc training (5), Short term training for Woreda & zone experts (46) Training of staff in basic computer skills Developing and distributing “Trainers Handbook for extension Staff”

Revising Water harvesting extension package manual of BoARD Preparation of broad-based irrigation extension package manual Provision of reference books Procurement of office equipments (computers…)

Strengthening Capacity of CPA Leadership and project planning and management training for senior managers and department heads Various trainings for staff –Horticulture marketing –Participatory methodologies for community development –MSc education (1 ongoing, 1 new) –BSc education (2) –Basic computer skill

Strengthening Capacity of EPLAUA Leadership and project planning and management training for senior managers and department heads BSc education (2) MSc education (2) Review of Environmental impact assessment guideline Training on EMS, EMP, Monitoring,Auditing, ecosystem, EIA Reviewing

OUTCOME 5000 Contribute to Strengthening of Sector Agency Coordination and Cooperation Improving the Coordination & Cooperation among SWHISA Collaborators Supporting Networking amongst SWHISA partners SWHISA partners assisted to implement a Communications Management Action Plan Assisting BoARD in conducting a workshop to prepare a strategic plan on HHWHS in the region

OUTCOME 6000 Management of the Project

4. Budget ItemCost Training, workshop, study tour 3,988,708 Research & Demonstration 973,218 Procurement 3,116,440 Construction 7,962,000 Travel 496,986 Consultants 166,360 Other expenses including CCO 4,753,762 Total 21,457, % less than 3rd year plan (i.e mil Br.) Doesn’t include Budget for Canadian Technical Assistance

Concerns Procurement more or less to Woreda WoWRD & WoARD, not Regional institutions (PMC to recommend) Woredas’ requests to be screened All regional PIs have received their share allowed in PIP Regional PIs Procurement to be based on Addendum MSc and other long term trainings to be based on Addendum (No other fund at SWHISA).