Using audience metrics to grow revenue January 2010
Audience metrics Analytics –Log-based vs. JavaScript Glossary of terms IAB size units Tracking online advertising Need to know information
What are analytics? Measure traffic to your site –Who, what, when, where Page views Unique visitors Time spent Visits
Types of analytics? Two types of analytics –Site traffic or Web page Omniture Google Analytics Murlin Stats –Ad traffic OAS DoubleClick Atlas AdSys
Web page analytics Understand how your metrics are computed
Analytics-comparison Log-based analytics –Urchin –Webalizer –Webtrends JavaScript-based analytics –Google Analytics –Omniture –Nielson NetTracker
Log-based analytics Pros –Easy to implement –No missed pages –Records all traffic Cons –Bot and spider traffic is recorded –Can be accidentally inflated by bad coding
Pros –More accurate determination of what is a page view –Filters out most bots and spiders –Can track usage on other vendors (, hosted AP, etc…) –Does not count cached pages Cons –Code must be added to each page –Third-party vendors can add additional cost –Transition to using these metrics can be difficult JavaScript-based analytics
This is a hit
Anatomy of a web page URL =ipatf&sltId0=0&sz1=88x31&dlv1=ipatf&sltId1=1&sz2=300x250&dlv2=ipatf&sltId2=2&sz3=800x600&dlv3=ipatf&sltId3=3&sz4=120x90&d lv4=ipbtf&sltId4=4&sz5=120x90&dlv5=ipbtf&sltId5=5&sz6=728x90&dlv6=ipbtf&sltId6=6&tagTy=multi_static&nAdP=7&rFrame=1&flv=9.0 &cb= & A typical Web page may have 100 or more items that are loaded. Each one of those calls will record an entry in the log file of the Web server.
Glossary Hit - –When users access a Web site, their computer sends a request to the site's server to begin downloading a page. Each element of a requested page (including graphics, text, and interactive items) is recorded by the site's Web server log file as a "hit." If a page containing two graphics is accessed by a user, those hits will be recorded once for the page itself and once for each of the graphics. Webmasters use hits to measure their servers' workload. Because page designs and visit patterns vary from site to site, the number of hits bears no relationship to the number of pages downloaded, and is therefore a poor guide for traffic measurement. Banned
Page view - –When a page is displayed successfully on the user's computer screen. Glossary
Visitor - –Individual or browser that accesses a Web site within a specific time period.
Glossary Unique user - –Unique individual or browser that has either accessed a site (see unique visitor) or been served unique content and/or ads such as , newsletters, interstitials and pop-under ads. Unique users can be identified by user registration or cookies. Reported unique users should filter out bots.
Glossary RON (Run-of-Network) - –The scheduling of Internet advertising whereby an ad network positions ads across the sites it represents at its own discretion, according to available inventory. The advertiser usually forgoes premium positioning in exchange for more advertising weight at a lower CPM. ROS (Run-of-Site) – –The scheduling of Internet advertising whereby ads run across an entire site, often at a lower cost to the advertiser than the purchase of specific site sub-sections.
Third-party ad server - –Independent, outsourced companies that specialize in managing, maintaining, serving, tracking and analyzing the results of online ad campaigns. They deliver targeted advertising that can be tailored to consumers' declared or predicted characteristics or preferences. Abort - –When a Web server does not successfully transfer a unit of content or ad to a browser. This usually is caused by a user hitting the stop button or clicking on another link prior to the completion of a download. Glossary
Ad download - –When an ad is downloaded by a server to a user’s browser. Ads can be requested but aborted or abandoned before actually being downloaded to the browser, and the user would not see the ad. Glossary
Know your digital ABCs. While online advertising is a big opportunity, newspapers make a mistake by not being conversant in IAB-size ad units.
Glossary Banner/Leaderboard ad –728 x 90 Horizontal, rectangular ads typically displayed at the top or bottom of a Web page.
Glossary Skyscrapers –160 x 600 Vertical, rectangular ads typically displayed on the left or right side of a Web page.
Glossary Medium rectangle/Big ad/In-story ad –300 x 250
Impression and click-thru Impression is defined as a view of a single ad unit. Click-thru is counted when a user clicks on an ad unit. These numbers are reported from the ad- serving software
Useful metrics What sections of my site are people visiting?
More useful info Average length of visit and average page views per visitor are great metrics for measuring how effective your website is.
Site metrics-traffic More than 11.8 million unique monthly visitors More than million monthly page views More than 13 minutes per visit More than 16 pages viewed per person Source: Nielsen//Netratings DotConnect Media site metrics
DotConnect Media user demographics 2.4 million visitors age 4.7 million visitors age 8.1 million visitors age 2.8 million visitors age 55 plus Source: Nielsen//Netratings
DotConnect Media user demographics More than 30% of visitors have a household income greater than $100,000 More than 50% have a bachelor ’ s degree or higher More than 33% are employed in professional, executive or managerial positions Source: Nielsen//Netratings
January 2010 Questions Thanks Charles Kolsky