Registration Use INB to Change Registration to Audit Click on the Notes tab for captions!
Type in SFAREGS in the Go To… box. Hit Enter.
Student System Distribution Initialization form Exit this form.
Student Course Registration form 1. Enter or search for the Term. 2. Type in or search for ID Number or Name. 3. Click Next Block twice.
Change Grade Mode to Audit 1. Click on the line of the course the student will take as an Audit. 2. Click on the Grade Mode drop down arrow. 4. Click OK. 3. Select A-Audit.
Change to Audit Click on Status’ drop down arrow.
Course Registration Status Query Double click on AU – Audit.
Saving Process 1. & 3. Click Save twice. 2. Click OK. 4. Exit form.
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Quiz Please complete our quiz to make sure you are familiar with the steps of changing registration to audit! Click Play or Next button on Playbar to start the quiz
You change registration to audit in the following block of the SFAREGS form: A)Key Block B)Enrollment Information C)Course Information Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
You must click on the following fields' drop down arrow to select audit. A)Grade Mode & Level B)Grade Mode & Status C)Status & Level Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
If the note "Fee Assessment Processed" pops up, you made mistakes while changing registration to audit only. A)True B)False Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
You must update the Student Term tab after making changes to the first, Registration tab. A)True B)False Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
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