CS573 Data Privacy and Security Statistical Databases Li Xiong
Today Statistical databases Definitions Early query restriction methods Output perturbation and differential privacy
Statistical Data Release Population count city Age City Diagnosis 25 Lilburn mantle cell lymphoma 35 Decatur adult T-cell lymphoma 20 30 40 50 50 Age Diagnosis Release statistical summary of the data (vs. individual records) Useful for analysis and learning Medical statistics Query log statistics – frequent search terms Still need rigorous inference control
Statistical Database A statistical database is a database which provides statistics on subsets of records Statistics may be performed to compute SUM, MEAN, MEDIAN, COUNT, MAX AND MIN of records Inference control to prevent inference from statistics to individual records
Methods Data perturbation/anonymization Query restriction Output perturbation
Data Perturbation Perturbed data is raw data with noise added Pro: With perturbed databases, if unauthorized data is accessed, the true value is not disclosed Con: Data perturbation runs the risk of presenting biased data
Query Resitrction
Output Perturbation Query Results Results Query
Methods Data perturbation/anonymization Query restriction Query set size control Query set overlap control Query auditing Output perturbation
Query Set Size Control A query-set size control limit the number of records that must be in the result set Allows the query results to be displayed only if the size of the query set |C| satisfies the condition K <= |C| <= L – K where L is the size of the database and K is a parameter that satisfies 0 <= K <= L/2 Setting a minimum query-set size can help protect against the disclosure of individual data Why do we need upper bound?
Query Set Size Control
Tracker Q1: Count ( Sex = Female ) = A Q2: Count ( Sex = Female OR (Age = 42 & Sex = Male & Employer = ABC) ) = B What if B = A+1?
Tracker Q1: Count ( Sex = Female ) = A Q2: Count ( Sex = Female OR (Age = 42 & Sex = Male & Employer = ABC) ) = B If B = A+1 Q3: Count ( Sex = Female OR (Age = 42 & Sex = Male & Employer = ABC) & Diagnosis = Schizophrenia) Positively or negatively compromised!
Query set size control If the threshold value k is large, then it will restrict too many queries And still does not guarantee protection from compromise The database can be easily compromised within a frame of 4-5 queries
Query Set Overlap Control Basic idea: successive queries must be checked against the number of common records. If the number of common records in any query exceeds a given threshold, the requested statistic is not released. A query q(C) is only allowed if: | q (C ) ^ q (D) | ≤ r, r > 0 Where r is set by the administrator Number of queries needed for a compromise has a lower bound 1 + (K-1)/r
Query-set-overlap control Statistics for a set and its subset cannot be released – limiting usefulness High processing overhead – every new query compared with all previous ones Multiple users - need to keep user profile, need to consider collusion between users Still no formal privacy guarantee
Auditing Keeping up-to-date logs of all queries made by each user and check for possible compromise when a new query is issued Excessive computation and storage requirements Only “efficient” methods for special types of queries
Audit Expert (Chin 1982) Query auditing method for SUM queries A SUM query can be considered as a linear equation where is whether record i belongs to the query set, xi is the sensitive value, and q is the query result A set of SUM queries can be thought of as a system of linear equations Maintains the binary matrix representing linearly independent queries and update it when a new query is issued A row with all 0s except for ith column indicates disclosure
Audit Expert Only stores linearly independent queries Not all queries are linearly independent Q1: Sum(Sex=M) Q2: Sum(Sex=M AND Age>20) Q3: Sum(Sex=M AND Age<=20)
Audit Expert O(L2) time complexity Further work reduced to O(L) time and space when number of queries < L Only for SUM queries Maximizing non-confidential information is NP-complete
Auditing – recent developments Online auditing “Detect and deny” queries that violate privacy requirement Denial themselves may implicitly disclose sensitive information Offline auditing Check if a privacy requirement has been violated after the queries have been executed Not to prevent
Methods Data perturbation/anonymization Query restriction Output perturbation Differential privacy 22
Differential Privacy Differential privacy requires the outcome to be formally indistinguishable when run with and without any particular record in the data set E.g.: Q = select count() where Age = [20,30] and Diagnosis = B Output Perturbation D2 Bob out User Q D1 Bob in A(D2) A(D1)
Differential Privacy Differential privacy Laplace mechanism Q(D) + Y where Y is drawn from Query sensitivity Differentially Private Interface D2 Bob out User Q D1 Bob in A(D1) = Q(D1) + Y1 A(D2) = Q(D2) + Y2
Composition of Differential Privacy Sequential composition [McSherry SIGMOD 09] Let Mi each provides differential privacy. The sequence of Mi provides differential privacy Parallel composition If Di are disjoint subsets of the original database and Mi provides differential privacy for each Di, then the sequence of Mi provides differential privacy. D1 Bob in A1(D1), A2(D1), … Interactive approach has drawbacks Differentially Private Interface Q1,Q2, … User D2 Bob out A1(D2), A2(D2), …
Differential Privacy Is unfettered access to raw data truly essential? Is released data sufficient (provide sufficient utility guarantee)? Privacy mechanism Raw Data Released Data User count Released data can be sanitized data, statistical data or synthetic data If the privacy mechanism is interactive, the sequence of results can be viewed as released data Impossible to guarantee sufficiency for all (any) data or all (any) applications Age City Diagnosis 25 Lilburn mantle cell lymphoma 35 Decatur adult T-cell lymphoma city Age Diagnosis
Challenges Differential privacy cost accumulates quickly with number of queries Typical tasks require multiple queries or multiple steps Need to support multiple users Impossible to guarantee utility for all (any) data or all (any) applications
Possible Middle Ground Guaranteed utility for certain applications Counting queries, classification, logistic regression Guaranteed utility for certain kinds of data Use prior or domain knowledge about data Use intermediate results (differentially private) Target Applications Prior or domain knowledge Released data can be sanitized data, statistical data or synthetic data If the privacy mechanism is interactive, the sequence of results can be viewed as released data Impossible to guarantee sufficiency for all (any) data or all (any) applications Sample size (small vs. large); Density (dense vs. sparse); Distribution characteristics … Exploratory, incrementally getting knowledge about the data How to optimally allocate the privacy budget? Intermediate Result Privacy mechanism Raw Data Released Data User
Our Research: Adaptive Differentially Private Data Release Data knowledge Dense and “smooth” data High dimensional and sparse data Dynamic data Application knowledge Query workload Specific tasks
Histogram Example ? Histogram release for counting queries, e.g. clinical trials population screening for clinical trials using predicates represented as inclusion, exclusion criteria
Strategy I: Baseline Cell Partitioning Q1: count() where Age = 20, Diagnosis = A Q2: count() where Age = 20, Diagnosis = B … diagnosis Diagnosis A B A B Q 20 50 10 90 20 50’ 10’ 90’ Age DP Age 30 alpha 30 Goal: to release a differentially private histogram to support random predicate queries Q: select count() where Age = [20,30] and Income = 40K If a query predicate consists of multiple cells or partitions, it will have aggregated perturbation error
Strategy II: Hierarchical Partitioning A B 20 200’ diagnosis A B alpha/3 30 20 50 10 90 Age A B 30 alpha/3 20 60’ 140’ 30 alpha/3 A B 20 50’ 10’ 90’ 30 Large perturbation error due to small divided privacy budget at each level
DPCube Strategy: Two phase partitioning diagnosis A B A B 20 50 10 90 20 100’ 10’ 90’ Age Age 30 30 If a query predicate is contained in a published partition, the answer has to be estimated typically based on a uniform distribution assumption. This introduces an approximation error.
DPCube Strategy: Two phase partitioning A B 1. Cell Partitioning 20 50’ 10’ 90’ Cell histogram diagnosis 30 A B 20 50 10 90 Age 2. Multi-dimensional Partitioning A B 30 20 50’ 10’ 90’ 30 A B 20 100’ 10’ 90’ partition histogram 30
Partitioning Algorithm Define a uniformity (randomness) measure for a partition H(Dt) information gain, variance Recursive algorithm Partition(Dt) for a given partition Dt Find the best splitting point (e.g. largest information gain) and Partition the data into Dt1 and Dt2 Partition(Dt1) and Partition(Dt2)
Privacy and Utility of the Released Histogram The released data satisfies -differential privacy Support for count queries and other OLAP queries and learning tasks Formal utility results (epsilon,delta) - usefulness Experimental results for partition histogram CENSUS dataset, 1M tuples, 4 attributes: Age (79), Education (14), Occupation (23), and Income (100) Report absolute error and relative error for random count queries
DPCube Result Example Original histogram Diff. Private Cell histogram Diff. private partition histogram Diff. Private Estimated Cell histogram
Experimental Results: Comparison with other partitioning strategies Higher alpha (lower privacy) results in lower error (higher utility) Kd tree based approach outperforms others Cell partitioning is comparable in absolute error but suffers in relative error due to the sparsity of the data
High dimensional sparse data Many real-world data are high dimensional and sparse Web search log data, web transactions, etc. A direct application of the 2-phase approach Cell histogram highly inaccurate Computationally not scalable
Top-down recursive partitioning Recursively partition the spaces that have sufficient density Use a context free taxonomy tree Dynamically allocate and keep track of the budget
Adaptive Hierarchical Strategy 1a. Overall count Data is sparse and Highly dimensional 1b. Partitioning of non-sparse regions 2a. Partition count For sparse data, A recursive top-down approach, only partition dense regions and getting further counts for those. For dense regions, preserve the budget more for more partitioning 2b. Partitioning of non-sparse regions n. Partition count
Today Statistical databases Definitions Early query restriction methods Output perturbation and differential privacy