Results-based Financing Workshop Evaluation Results Kigali Rwanda June, 2008
Summary of Results 34 participants responded to the survey Out of maximum score of 5: 85% of participants rated the workshop a 4 or 5 with respect to "overall usefulness 85% of participants rated the workshop a 4 or 5 on the following items: overall usefulness, usefulness of information, the extent to which it focused on learning needs, and the extent to which it matched its objectives 75% of participants rated the workshop a 4 or a 5 with respect to the "acquisition of new information"
Ratings by participants in this activity Percentage of participants giving a 4 or 5 rating
Relevance of this activity to your current work or functions Mean 4.74
Focus of this activity on what you specifically needed to learn Mean 4.25
Extent to which you have acquired information that is new to you Mean 3.85
Extent to which the content of this activity matched the announced objectives Mean 4.26
Overall usefulness of this activity Mean 4.32