7.1 Number, Operation, and Quantitative Reasoning. The student represents and uses numbers in a variety of equivalent forms. 7.1B: Convert between fractions, decimals, whole numbers, and percents mentally, on paper, or with a calculator STAAR Readiness Standard
1)Stack 3 sheets of paper ¾ inch apart 2)Roll up bottom edges so that all tabs are the same size 3)Crease and staple along the fold 4)Write title, Rational Numbers, and subtitle, fractions, decimals, percents, and integers, on the front. 5)As you follow along the presentation, label each tab with the title of the slide. 6)Fill in the space above the tab (on the same sheet of paper) with notes on how to perform the skill.
According to the meaning of the word, percent, it is ALWAYS in reference to something divided into 100 parts. To find the decimal equivalency to a percent, simply divide the number by %26 ÷ 100 = 40% 40 ÷ 100 =.4 7% 7 ÷ 100 =
Imagine a decimal point in the place of the percent sign, and move the decimal two spaces to the left (the same as dividing by 100). 26%.26 40% %.07
As we discovered, percents are ALWAYS out of 100. Place the percent number in a fraction with a denominator of 100. Simplify the fraction. 26% %
Decimal numbers use a place value system and decimal point to represent the quantity of the number. To find the percent equivalency of a decimal, multiply by x 100 = = x 100 = = 34% 19% 12.5% 60%
Move the decimal point two spaces to the right, and add a % symbol (this is the same as multiplying by 100) %.19 19% %.6 60% 1 100%
Writing Fractions as Percents Divide the numerator by the denominator to get a decimal. Change the decimal to a percent by moving the decimal point to the right (multiply by 100) %
What is one as a percent? Justify your answer. (Use what you know about percents. If you need to, go back to the definition of percent and see if you can use that information to help explain your answer.)