Town council areas 1, Mill Road The owner of the independent Fairtrade café Expresso-head in LB town centre who lives close to the small park on Mill Road approached SBFoE about wildflowers. Other residents were supportive. Leisure and Community LLTC gave permission Nov2013/ SBFoE persuaded Spencer Rail who built the lifts at LB Railway Station to dig up the turf. The residents and their children planted the seeds and plants in a strip about 7 m by 2 m with funding from LLTC in Bloom in spring A couple of weeding sessions took place with Victoria and a couple of residents, and the flowers looked lovely in the first year. Expresso head delivered coffee for free to the station for Lord De Mauley. Over the past year there have been about three sessions of planting/ weeding by SBFOE and residents have cleared away the weeds in their green bins. Residents are collecting the seeds to use in other areas across LB 2. Adams Bottom Leisure and Community LLTC requested SBFoE involvement and gave permission Nov2013. SBFoE involved Waitrose volunteers to dig up the turf and Heathwood lower school worked with them and planted wildflowers. and in July 2014 preformed a bee dance for Lord De Mauley. SFoE did some weedin over the year and more planting in the winter LLTC has supported it by leaving an area of grass long and cutting and collecting it.
3.Parsons Close Digging and planting along the banks of the brook started 2012 at launch of LL in Bloom. SBFOE have continued with many work parites each year including the Trinity Methodist Cubs, the area helped get the green flag award and was favourably mentionedi n the judges report. Pulfords Lower School helped with bee surveys and bee pictures. 4. Mentmore Gardens Member of SBFoE lived close,. Leisure and Community LLTC gave permission Nov2013,SBFoE dug up the turf and planted wildflowers. LLTC left adjacent grass to grow long and di training with staff by Wildlife trusts. Lord De Mauley visited it. the area is maintained about five times a year by SBFoE volunteers.
5.Mentmore Memorial Garden 6. Astral park community orchard permission granted october 2011, planting done by residents, regualr watering by residents, Leedon Lower school planted Wildflowers; awareness days with games and wildflower surveys for all ages: see m native hedge of over 20 species; astral park request by town council to SBFOE in local residents and SBFoE planted the hedge and over 25 hours of volunteering to maintain it in It will be a big educational resource when it is established Leisure and Community gave permission Nov2013; project led by two members of SBFoE who live very close with the involvement of Mentmore Preschool. Regular volunteering takes place to maintain the garden. Lord De Mauley visited it and saw Heathwood Lower School preform the bee dance in Heathwood also made poppies out of felt with a local artist and preformed the bee dance for Anglia in Bloom judges.
Central Bedfordshire Council Areas 1.Knaves Hill 100 m native hedge planted 2008 by residents maintained by SBfoE includes wild rose, guelder rose, gorse 2. River Ouzel permission given 2008 Himalayan balsam and nettles and rubbish cleared and continually being cleared. Instead of nettles SBFoE have been planting of dog roses, comfrey, primroses irises, wildflowers, wild angelica and Hemp agrimony with funding from both town council grants and residents private donations. Attracts lots of informal volunteers to hellp on about 6 session per year The greensand trust have helped significantly in the early years.
3.Woodman Close Given permission in Nov 2014 and a town council grant for plants. 8 local residetns helped SBFoE plant unfortunately cut down by CBCcontractors but some poppies and wild angelica survived 4. Carina Drive spring 2014 long grass with flowers in the front funding from CBC to help with digging and planting. SBFoE and local residents have helped with planting and maintaining it. 5.Soulbury road grass left long on bank beside road and cut early March by SB FoE 6. Riverside walk ; permission from, CBC May 2015 small area behind Millbank planted with wildflower seeds. Local resident got in a rotavator, a member of SBfoE has helped the resident with weeding and watering. CBC paid for seeds.
Station Started in 2012, with permission from London Midland ; funding from Force 9 Energy, British Flora, Robert Kiln Charity, visited by Lord De Mauley looked after by SBFoE including Residents a adjacent to the station. A Touch of Class/ LB First wildlife friendly garden donations from market traders, customers, LB First, the Greensand Trust 7.Mountbatten Gardens planted with residents and the Baptist church and Cllr shadbolt in maintained by residents other areas St Georges School wildflower area and continuing project