Fractions, Decimals, and Percent By: Jack M 1 _____ %
Fractions and Decimals Fractions and decimals are a lot alike in different ways. Lets say you wanted to make a decimal a fraction, and you didn’t now how. The first thing you would want to look at is there a 0 in the ones place, If there isn’t then you can just ignore the ones place, Then draw a line going under the numbers to the right of the decimal. The next thing you would do is count to see how many numbers are to the right of the decimal,
If there is one you would draw a 10. If there was 2 then you would draw 100. If there was three you would draw And so on. But let’s say you had a number higher than zero in the ones place. When you are finished you just drop it down to the left of your fraction. Then you are finished in making a decimal into a fraction
Decimals and Percent Decimals and percent are in my opinion the most easy to turn into each other. If you do not know how to turn them into each other then I’ll teach you how. First you just copy down the number, I’ll use a decimal, Then you just take away the decimal. So my number would be 054. If the first number is a zero then you don’t want to keep it there. So my number is 54. then you just add the percent sign at the end. So 54%
But let’s say that that it’s a number like Now for percent 100 is one whole or 1. The percent is going to be more than 1 so you can check your answer that way. So first we are going to remove the decimal point. Then you can just put the percent sign on the end. So it’s 187%. But if you have a harder decimal like than you want to remove the decimal point and take away the 0. But you can’t put 453% because remember, 100 is a whole. So you have got to put the decimal point to the left of the 3. Why? Because if you are doing a percent and it is not a whole number then there can only be 2 whole numbers. So the answer is 45.3%
Fractions and Percent Finally Fractions and Percent. These Two are not much alike but have relations a little. Let me teach you how to turn a fraction into a percent. First lets just use ¼ as a example. ¼ of 100 is 25. So ¼ of 100 is the same as 25%.Percent is a type of a fraction in my opinion. It is just like ??/100. The numerator would be the percent and the denominator the whole. 100 is the whole or best. But if you did 1/10 you would not do 1% otherwise it would be 1/100. You can only have 2 non-whole numbers. An example is if you were doing 345/1000. You can not do 345% because that would be 3 45/100. You do 34.5%