Species Diversity and Interaction
Tropical Rainforest Value Plants are a source of… …oxygen …genetic innovation …potential medicinal compounds …and a CO 2 sink The highest densities and greatest diversities of plants are found in tropical rainforests (density, climate) (diversity) diversity; herbivore diversity) (plant
Species Diversity Community A: 50 spp& Community B: 30 spp
The Tropical Rainforest Biome exhibits the greatest biodiversity on Earth… …but why? Evolutionary time theory… Competition hypothesis… Heterogeneous environment hypothesis… Climatic stability theory… Climatic predictability theory… Productivity hypothesis… Predation hypothesis… Animal pollinators theory…
The Tropical Rainforest Biome exhibits the greatest biodiversity on Earth… …why? …and so what? The greater the biodiversity, the greater the potential for interactions…
The Tropical Rainforest Biome exhibits the greatest biodiversity on Earth… …why? …and so what? The greater the biodiversity, the greater the potential for interactions… Mutualism: win/win Commensalism: win/huh? Amensalism: huh?/lose Parasitism: win/lose
The Tropical Rainforest Biome exhibits the greatest biodiversity on Earth… …why? …and so what? The greater the biodiversity, the greater the potential for interactions… Competition Predation Herbivory Mimicry
Batesian Mimicry Mullerian Mimicry