Science Vocabulary All About Animals
Mammal Animals with backbones. Usually has fur or hair on its body. Young mammals get milk from their mother
bird Animals with backbones. Have feathers and wings. Hatch from eggs.
reptile Animals with backbones. Most have dry skin. Scales cover and protect a reptile’s body. Some hatch from eggs.
amphibians Animals with backbones Live part of their life in water. Have smooth wet skin. Hatch from eggs.
fish Animals with backbones. Most are covered with scales. Have fins. Most hatch from eggs.
gills Body parts that help fish get oxygen from the water.
insect Animals that do not have backbones. Have 3 body parts. Head, thorax, & abdomen. Have 6 legs.
Camouflage A color or shape that makes a plant or animal hard to see.
Fill in the Blanks A _______ has wings and can fly. A _______ has fins and swims. A _______ has dry skin and scales. A _______ lives in water and on land.
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