Definition: When the body is exposed to the high temperatures, such a condition effects its working. This is known as sun stroke. In tropics, the temperature and humidity become very high in summer. This is more common in men than women.
PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID SUN STROKE. Try to be in the shadow areas and place where there is no effect of the sun light during the summer season. Use the umbrella, broad bordered hat & the cooling glasses when going out in the summer especially in the afternoon. It is good to take pure drinking water often. Taking the juices & the liquid food that to mix with the salt is good for health because the salts in the body come out in the form of the sweat. It is good to wear the cotton clothes, which are loose & had the chance to pass the air inside the body.
SYMPTOMS OF SUN STROKE Hot, dry skin No sweating (usually) Skin is first flushed, then pale purple Hyperventilation(rapid, shallow breathing) Body temperature rises rapidly to 40 C or higher Head ache Muscles cramps Dilated pupils Rapid bounding pulse.
See that the body temperature should not fall below 100 F. The person should be given plenty of water. Fluids such as fruit juice, a pinch of salts dissolved in water can also be given. Immediately after the first aid, the patient should be taken to the nearest doctor for treatment.