Biology: A Molecular Approach, Laboratory Lab 3
Today’s Plan Business Mosquito Trapping Scientific Writeups Lab Math
Business Attendance Handouts
Mosquito Trapping Results from Last Week’s Traps Biodiversity! Tough to tell a skeeter from other insects! Take a peek at the petri dishes sometime today when you get a chance Self-serve Trapping
Scientific Writeups Purpose Communicate
Scientific Writeups A Student Handbook for Writing in Biology
Scientific Writeups One of my published articles
Scientific Writeups Parts Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion/Conclusion References
Scientific Writeups General Tips Use of Present Tense When referring to published findings Skeeter et al., 2012, found that heartworm is infected with bacteria…. When making generally accepted statements Mosquitoes are insects…. When referring to figures or tables in the writeup you are writing Figure 1 is a graph of the PCR results for heartworm….
Scientific Writeups General Tips Use of Past Tense Reporting your own previously published work You don’t have any of this yet! When referring to published authors work Skeeter et al., 2012, found that heartworm is infected with bacteria….
Scientific Writeups General Tips Use of Active vs Passive Voice Active We performed the PCR analyses…. Passive The PCR analyses were performed…. Use active when you want the emphasis on who did the action Use passive when you want the emphasis on the action itself
Scientific Writeups References Bibliography You must provide a source for almost all information you put into a scientific writeup The source is documented in two places In the body of the writeup directly after where you place the referenced information In a Reference list at the end of the paper See p 77 – 89 of the Student Handbook for Writing in Biology
Scientific Writeups Plagiarism Intentional Verbatim copying and claiming it is your own writing Stealing ideas Unintentional Not recognizing the need to reference a piece of information Not paraphrasing and making the writing your own
Scientific Writeups Introduction Background information What is already known Literature search What isn’t known What is inconsistent What is anomalous Based on background information, state your Hypothesis Based on your Hypothesis, list the specific research objectives
Scientific Writeups Introduction Draft Introduction on your Scientific Writeup Do this work individually Due October 3 beginning of lab I will grade and give you feedback You will revise for final version based on my feedback
Scientific Writeups Introduction Draft Introduction on your Scientific Writeup What should be in it Scientific Writeup Rubric
Lab Math Moving Moles In your group, do pages 1 – 5 today Individually, complete pages 6 and 7 and turn-in at the beginning of lab next week
Lab Math Moving Moles – Metric Conversions In your group, do pages 1 – 2 today Individually, complete page 3 and turn-in at the beginning of lab next week
General –Files and Printouts –This PP –My NaKATPase paper –Scientific Writeup Rubric – Moving Moles –Moving Moles – Metric Conversions –Laptops –Calculators –Biology Writing Books