ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH PROGRAM B U I L D I N G A S C I E N T I F I C F O U N D A T I O N F O R S O U N D E N V I R O N M E N T A L D E C I S I O N S U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development Provides: Multi-scale perspective on environmental condition Visualization of environmental data in multiple dimensions Comparative inference of data and model results Insight into current status and potential future problems Regional Vulnerability Assessment Program: Web-based Environmental Decision Toolkit (EDT) for EPA Region 5 Username/password = revaguest/anonymous
2 ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH PROGRAM and for region or subregion (e.g. LM Basin) Analyses for 8-d or 12-d HUCs Currently we have: 164 metrics at 8-d level 63 metrics at 12-d level These include landscape, air deposition, nps runoff estimates, socio-econ metrics – all spatially represented
3 ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH PROGRAM Capabilities of the EDT Integration to assess conditions (relative condition across region or subregion) Integration to assess vulnerability (considers mix of stressors along with existing resources) Map distributions of individual metrics Compare distributions of individual metrics Create customized indices with user-defined weights for prioritization or targeting Compare created indices Display “canned” indices (overall, air quality, water quality, landscape quality, human use, vulnerability to air toxics) Graph relationships between metrics (hypothesis testing, model development) Identify/ Create Reference Watersheds and identify watersheds in region that are similar/dissimilar to
4 ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH PROGRAM Future Work: The Future Midwestern Landscapes Project 5-yr study comparing alternative future scenarios and trade-offs among ecosystem services Baseline year 2001/2002 NLCD with additional resolution to further define cropping practices Percent Natural Cover BaselineConversion of 35,000,000 ha Difference Map Two future scenarios for 2022: Biofuels Targets – follows the EISA with current market economics as drivers of change Multiple Services – anticipates a future landscape where ecosystem services that society values are “incentivized” and thus conserved
5 ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH PROGRAM Fuel Targets Scenario Multiple Services Scenario Display Maps Comparing Scenarios for Region 5 Maximize Corn for BiofuelsEcosystem Services Potential Difference Map Here: ESGaps Future Vision for Use of EDT 1.Difference map will highlight opportunities for enhancing ecosystem services 2.Interested landowners sign up for “Filling the Gaps” program through web portal 3.Those interested in funding conservation of ES send RFP to interested landowners 4.Landowners use available tools to identify how to enhance services, then submit proposal 5.Service “Patrons” select proposals and fund enhancements
6 ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH PROGRAM Ecosystem Services Land Values Recreational Activities Aesthetics Cultural Services Biodiversity Existence Value Human Health Flood Control Climate/Weather Mitigation Food Security Forest Products Potable Water Energy Security Partners/Collaborators/Clients Iowa State University Kansas State University EPA Region 7 EPA Office of Water EPA Office of Air and Radiation Agricultural Research Service Farm Services Administration Fish and Wildlife Service Tennessee Valley Authority Iowa Soybean Association American Farmland Trust GLNPO – Lake Michigan Some Additional Info For more information: