Week of Sept. 29 Student Success Presented by: Kelley Newhouse Michele Propper.


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Presentation transcript:

Week of Sept. 29 Student Success Presented by: Kelley Newhouse Michele Propper

What is a Learning Style? Your learning style is the way you learn best. Your learning style is the way you learn best. It is how you make sense of new information. It is how you make sense of new information. It has nothing to do with a person’s abilities or intelligence. It has nothing to do with a person’s abilities or intelligence.

What kind of learner are you? Visual Visual Auditory Auditory Kinesthetic Kinesthetic A combination A combination

Let’s find out Directions: You have 10 minutes to complete the learning inventory. Then score yourself:  Often = 5 point  Sometimes = 3 points  Seldom = 1 point On the back, put the points awarded for each question next to the question number. Finally, add up each of the three columns.

Learning Styles Visual learners rely heavily on learning by seeing information to learn it. Visual learners rely heavily on learning by seeing information to learn it. Auditory learners learn by hearing information. Auditory learners learn by hearing information. Tactile/Kinesthetic learners learn by actively working with the information with their hands and bodies. Tactile/Kinesthetic learners learn by actively working with the information with their hands and bodies.

Visual Learners Strategies to enhance learning:  Look at all study materials  Use charts, maps, flash cards, videos  Take notes  Highlight important information in your notes or workbooks  Practice visualizing or picturing words and concepts in your head

Auditory Learners Strategies to enhance learning:  Use tapes/CDs.  Sit where you can hear the presentation of material.  Sit in a quiet place to study to limit distractions.  Summarize new information in your own words.  Work with a study buddy to review information.

Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners Strategies to enhance learning:  Write down notes.  Make flash cards of new information.  Draw illustrations, timelines, and diagrams to organize the information.  Role play (when appropriate).  Make a physical representation of the information.

One strategy fits all! One strategy fits all! Chunking information: Step 1: As you read, stop at the end of each paragraph. Step 2: Think about what you read: Underline/ highlight the most important information. (visual) Underline/ highlight the most important information. (visual) Summarize it in your own words. (auditory) Summarize it in your own words. (auditory) Write down a quick note in the margin; (tactile/Kinesthetic) or Write down a quick note in the margin; (tactile/Kinesthetic) or Draw a visual representation of the information Draw a visual representation of the information(tactile/Kinesthetic)

Reflection What classes are you most successful in? What classes are you most successful in? Does this class fit your learning style? Does this class fit your learning style? –Notes on board –Hands-on activities –Listen to music or teacher lecture