Strategic Facilities Utilization Public Forum April 6, 2006
Are you a parent or guardian of an elementary school student currently enrolled in the AACPS? 1.Yes 2.No
Are you a parent or guardian of a middle school student currently enrolled in the AACPS? 1.Yes 2.No
Are you a parent or guardian of a high school student currently enrolled in the AACPS? 1.Yes 2.No
Are you a parent of an alternative or special education student currently enrolled in AACPS? 1.Yes 2.No
Are you a staff member or employee of AACPS? 1.Yes 2.No
Are you a resident of Anne Arundel County? 1.Yes 2.No
What is your perception of the quality of education students receive in AACPS? 1.Positive 2.Somewhat Positive 3.Neutral 4.Somewhat Negative 5.Negative
What is your perception of the physical condition of Anne Arundel County Schools? 1.Excellent 2.Good 3.Fair 4.Poor 5.No Opinion
Are AACPS Facilities well-suited for the instructional and program needs of all schools? 1.Very well-suited 2.Well-suited 3.Somewhat suited 4.Not well-suited 5.No opinion
How important are alternative education programs for students in AACPS? 1.Most important 2.Important 3.Neutral 4.Somewhat Important 5.Least Important
How important are programs that support students with special needs? 1.Most Important 2.Important 3.Neutral 4.Somewhat Important 5.Least Important
How important are advanced placement class, International Baccalaureate programs, etc? 1.Very Important 2.Important 3.Neutral 4.Somewhat Important 5.Not Important
How important are Magnet Schools and Academy Schools? 1.Very Important 2.Important 3.Neutral 4.Somewhat Important 5.Not Important
How important are early childhood programs for the support of increasing student performance? 1.Most Important 2.Important 3.Neutral 4.Somewhat Important 5.Least Important
How important is class size to the educational performance of students? 1.Most Important 2.Important 3.Neutral 4.Somewhat Important 5.Least Important
How important is it to reduce overcrowding in AACPS schools? 1.Most Important 2.Important 3.Neutral 4.Somewhat Important 5.Least Important
Are attendance area adjustments an effective method for reducing over- crowding in AACPS Schools? 1.Very Effective 2.Effective 3.Neutral 4.Somewhat Effective 5.Not Effective
What do you believe is the appropriate maximum enrollment for an AACPS elementary school? students students students students students
The Anne Arundel County School District community ( parents, citizens, businesses, elected officials) supports the need to address facility and program deficiencies? 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree
How do you personally feel about the need to address Anne Arundel County School District facility and program deficiencies? 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree
Thank You For Your support and For Being Involved