Discovering Your Learning Style
In the Beginning… From the moment you were born, you’ve been learning. Before you were 5, you learned faster than at any other time in your life. You learned: A whole language Athletic abilities How to read and react to others Social skills you can use today
And Now… You developed your own preferences for learning The more you know about your style of learning, the better you can adapt for success
What are Learning Styles? Learning is a natural and constant process of gathering and processing info How you prefer to gather info and then what you do with it Observers Prefer to think about what is being taught Participants Prefer to experience learning firsthand
Why Bother? As a student, if you know your preferred learning styles and recognize your instructor’s teaching style, you can adjust your learning skills to meet that instructor’s demands. If you do not adjust to your instructor’s teaching, your learning success will be affected negatively
More Learning Styles Sequential learner – tend to think in one-two-three order Random learner – tend to learn better in a less structured manner Balanced learner – you are able to adapt to either style and can do it better and more easily than individuals who fall into the other two categories
Learning to be Flexible Being aware of your preferences and learning to adapt to others makes you think and recall more efficiently Using both styles benefits memory and thinking You will always retain your natural preferences, but you can stretch your mind and enhance your ability to understand the styles of others
Identifying Teaching Styles You job is to learn and succeed in every learning situation Some instructors will be easy to understand, while others will be difficult Best strategy is to: Observe your instructor Learn about their teaching style and habits Find ways to adapt to each style
The Sequential Instructor Likes facts and details Shows more interest in data than people Lecture based instruction Grades answers as right or wrong; no partial credit Can you think of a sequential instructor?
The Random Instructor Enjoys people Prefers role-playing, open discussion, small group work Gives imaginative assignments Stresses concepts and conclusions Can you name a random instructor?
The Balanced Instructor Equal mix of the sequential and random preferences Generally well liked b/c they attract both styles Can you name a balanced instructor?
How to assess your instructor’s style Listen for cues in how they present their material Determine what kinds of questions they ask Observe their behavior Look at how they are dressed
Clues in how they present material Sequential Lecture Outlined notes Rarely deviate Monotone speaking Always stick to the topic Random Tell stories Use metaphors Analogies Humor Allow for wandering during a lecture
Clues in asking questions Sequential Require you to recall and recite facts, data, and specific theories Don’t ask for your opinion Random Ask you to interpret Give and opinion Suggest an application Form a connection to some other subject area Provide for multiple answers
Clues in their behavior Sequential Formal Stand behind lectern or table Write notes in outline form Use black pen only Random Wander around room Sit on table Gesture with hands Change their vocal tone
Clues in how they dress Sequential Random
Your Senses and Learning Visual learners Prefer to use their eyes to learn Auditory learners Prefer to use their ears to learn Tactile (kinesthetic) learners Prefer to use their bodies to learn
Multiple Intelligences Logical/mathemat ical Visual/spatial Body/kinesthetic Musical/rhythmic Inter-personal Intrapersonal Verbal/linguistic Naturalist