week 7
meta-analysis what is meta-analysis? is inductive experimentation similar to meta- analysis in that one picks and choose data in order to prove one's hypothesis?
meta-analysis what is meta-analysis? is inductive experimentation similar to meta- analysis in that one picks and choose data in order to prove one's hypothesis? – induction: start from observation, move to theory – deduction: start with theory, move to observation and confirmation so, what’s meta-analysis?
ecotones how do ecotones occur if not created by humans? ecotones can have high diversity, but also contribute to biodiversity loss. how do these ideas work together? are the species found at the edges of ecotones more able than most to survive in variable conditions? can there be vertical ecotones, such as the canopy vs. forest floor? what is an edge effect?
fragmentation if habitat fragmentation forms geographical areas in which populations become geographically isolated, can this lead to allopatric speciation? what are the key differences between habitat patchiness and habitat fragmentation?
general questions what’s the difference between guild, taxa, and community? is there any benefit to having a community of generalists rather than a community of specialists? how is an ‘environmental gradient’ measured? what does the pricing of "sequencing the genome” mean? where does the energy in trophic levels go?
what’s the question? what are the predictions (competing hypotheses)? how did they test their predictions? what were their results and conclusions?