Agenda 06/29/2010 Data Analysis Station 2 Human Interaction Adaptation Natural Selection Set-up for Photosynthesis Lab Theory vs Hypothesis Science Writing
Data Analysis Station 2 – Natural Habitat
Con’t Data Analysis 1.More or Less Types of Organisms? –More! 2.Why? –Native vegetation attracts all the 3. So, Invasive Species Lower First order consumers that attract the ….. Biodiversity
Food Web example….. 1.Producers? 2.1 o Consumers? 3.2 o Consumers? 4.Rat introduced?
Human Impact What would happen if humans started build on the meadow?What would happen if humans started build on the meadow? What is the main cause of Human Impact?What is the main cause of Human Impact?
Adaptations! My favorite animal is a Bald Eagle!My favorite animal is a Bald Eagle! Beak – sharp!Beak – sharp! Big wingsBig wings White tail/headWhite tail/head Brown bodyBrown body BigBig Talons/sharp clawsTalons/sharp claws
Adaptations con’t I think adaptation means:I think adaptation means: The actual definition is:The actual definition is: –Ecology: process of adjustment of an individual organism to environmental stresses –Evolution: change that results in a structural, functional, or behavioral trait that promotes survival and reproduction –Simple terms: organisms better suited to their environment
Natural Selection How become adaptations?How become adaptations? –Natural Selection!
Natural Selection Review Requirements:Requirements: –Big, diverse population –Time –More born then live Cause: Selection FactorsCause: Selection Factors –Lack of food –Disease –Predation
Natural Selection Review Process where organisms that are more fit survive in the environment while others do notProcess where organisms that are more fit survive in the environment while others do not These fit traits may be passed on to the other generationThese fit traits may be passed on to the other generation Over time these fit traits may become dominate within the population changes the populationOver time these fit traits may become dominate within the population changes the population
Which Theory – p. 341 Lifeworks? Look at each theoryLook at each theory Find the requirements and selection factors for natural selection.Find the requirements and selection factors for natural selection. Which do you think is accepted today?Which do you think is accepted today?
Evolution - history Almost every culture – where/why we came from including science Thomas Malthus: humans –Not a nice guy! –Human population increase less food some humans should be allowed to die for better good of population Charles Darwin: –Not agree with Malthus (humans ability to think/create), but apply to “simpler” animals –Survival of the Fittest (natural selection) –Gradual changes over millions of years –Giraffes Jean Baptiste de Lamarck: –Acquired Characteristics –Desire or want of parent is passed on to offspring and further generations –Giraffes: Wanted longer necks so stretched offspring had same desire with time offspring will have longer necks Which accepted in science today?
Sources ects/tonyau/ps2/1/images/FoodWeb.JPG&imgrefurl= 06/161B/projects/tonyau/ps2/1/index.html&usg=__h- N07K25va71PcZ2IAeeYVSKjnw=&h=442&w=523&sz=73&hl=en&start=4&um=1&itbs= 1&tbnid=A81NqhKH_0qiqM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfood%2Bw eb%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1T4GGIT_enUS326US351%26t bs%3Disch:1http:// ects/tonyau/ps2/1/images/FoodWeb.JPG&imgrefurl= 06/161B/projects/tonyau/ps2/1/index.html&usg=__h- N07K25va71PcZ2IAeeYVSKjnw=&h=442&w=523&sz=73&hl=en&start=4&um=1&itbs= 1&tbnid=A81NqhKH_0qiqM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfood%2Bw eb%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1T4GGIT_enUS326US351%26t bs%3Disch:1