Poetic Rhythm and Rhyme
Meter Patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables The basic unit of meter is a foot. Most common feet in English poetry: Iamb / Trochee/ Anapest / Dactyl/ Spondee/ /
/ Iambic / / / / I asked my mo·ther for fif·ty cents / / / x / / To see the el·e·phant jump the fence / / He jumped so high, he touched the sky / / / / / And he did not come back ‘til the Fourth of Ju·ly
Shakespeare’s SONNET 138 (IAMBIC) U / U / U / U / U / When my love swears that she is made of truth I do believe her though I know she lies, That she might think me some untutor’d youth
Trochaic / / / / / / / Pe·ter Pi·per picked a peck of pick·led pep·pers
Anapestic / / / / There was an old man in a tree / / / Who was hor·rib·ly bored by a bee / / When they said, "Does it buzz?“ / He re·plied, "Yes, it does! / / / It's a reg·u·lar brute of a bee!" Edward Lear
/ Dactylic (po·e·try) / / / / Picture your self in a boat on a river with / / / / tangerine tree-ees and marmalade skii-ii-es. Dactylic tetrameter ¾ time: The Beatles, “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds “
Spondaic / / Rarely an entire line of poetry / / / / See Saw, Margery Daw / / I scream. You scream. / / / We all scream for ice cream
Metrical Lines One footmonometer Two feetdimeter Three feettrimeter Four feettetrameter Five feetpentameter (iambic pentameter) Six feethexameter (dactylic hexameter) Seven feetheptameter Eight feetoctameter
Stanzas 2 line stanzas: couplets 3 line stanzas: tercets triplets: aaa bbb ccc ddd terza rima: aba bcb cdc ded 4 line stanzas: quatrains 5 line stanzas: quintets 6 line stanzas: sestets 7 line stanzas: septets 8 line stanzas: octaves
Rhyme Scheme The ends of lines repeat the same sounds. Mary had a little jam, she spread it on a waffle. And if she hadn't eaten ten she wouldn't feel so _____. ABCBABCB The snow came down And covered the town The snow came down last night The snow came down And covered the town And left it snowy _____. AABAABAABAAB
Kinds of Rhyme Exact: eye/sky/pie; sing/ding/ring Near or Half: sing/dung/rang Eye: tough/through/dough Internal: "Ah, distinctly I remember, it was in the bleak December" / Masculine: rang/sang / / Feminine: ringing/singing
Practice Let’s complete some scansion practice!