Model Digital Learning with RTI & STEM to address A Concept-Driven, Diverse Learning Environment R. Neufeld.. NCTM Boston April 2015
Change the mindset from “remembering how” to “understanding why” STEP 1: The Learning Environment
Reach All Through Tiered Lessons
Watch Less. Do More! Instructional Paradigm Shift: Students
“Active learning practices have a more significant impact on student performance than any other variable, including student background and prior achievement.” Teaching for Meaningful Learning: A Review of Research on Inquiry-Based and Cooperative Learning Dr. Brigid Barron and Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University
Good Mathematics is: -not about how many answers you know. -but about what you do when you don’t know answers. Encourage “GRAPPLING”
Team Leaders/Administrators convince teachers to teach for understanding. prepare parents for the fact that teachers may not be providing all of the answers. prepare parents that students will be grappling with challenging material. note answers are important but not sufficient.
build it talk it draw it write it OWN IT!! Create a self-paced approach but within a multiple approach opportunity.
Build it, Draw it, Talk it, Write it … OWN IT!!
The Curriculum: envisions a higher level of rigor based on a deeper understanding of a pared down number of curricular objectives. poses a challenge for teachers who must not only be fluent in content but also attain the particular pedagogy to be able to convey it to their students.
The Emphasis is on: students doing mathematics. students demonstrating thinking and learning. students grapple with challenging tasks in a learning environment that will support equity in schools.
Students: Engage in Discourse. Students articulate their own ideas and seriously consider their peers’ perspectives as a way to construct mathematical understandings. Encourage students to listen carefully to one another’s ideas to disagree and question with respect … “ I beg to differ!” … “ Excuse me. Can we talk about that?”
Teach students to : Use Effective Questions Show me another way … How are these the same / different … What would you do if … Why did you … What else could you have done … Use Productive Talk Moves Revoicing - Repeating and asking for clarification Repeating - Students restate someone else’s reasoning Reasoning - Apply their reasoning to another’s reasoning Adding on - Prompting for further participation Waiting - “Take your time. We will wait.”
Challenges for Teachers Broad ability ranges within a class Need for differentiated instruction - RTI Wide range of literacy skills Diverse learning styles Teachers are being asked to teach in ways that they were never taught. Need to “go deep” and teach with understanding.
Teachers must be able to… Unpack familiar math concepts to lead to understanding. Require knowledge of an explanation of a concept. Understand methods and solutions different from their own.
STEP 2: The Vision in 2008: To Design a concept-driven learning platform to support the diversity of teachers, students and parents in their construction of math knowledge. To Design a platform to reach every student and teacher … anytime and anywhere. To Design a platform aligned to the curriculum and modeled on a 3 part lesson to involve activities from concrete to abstract, integrating multiple approaches, entry points and representations.
UMath X, the 10 th version of Understanding Math, is a diverse, digital learning environment that includes browser based software and related resources to offer 100% coverage of curriculum. Frameworks for Learning are 3 part content-driven lessons to model a wide variety of implementations of UMath X to create diverse learning environments. Get Started Work at It Reflect and Connect STEP 3: Realizing the Vision
supports constructivist thinking. People build their own understandings and knowledge of the world through personal and collaborative experiences that encourage reflection. demonstrates differentiated instruction through an interactive multi-sensory approach. uses multiple entry points and seamless integration to support both content and instruction. UMath X, a learning environment:
Login to for short video tutorial. Login to UMath X.. Use generic login.. student and generic password.. studentpwd Select concept to be taught in UMath X menu or in Curriculum Menu Select a framework to model teaching with diverse approaches. Samples: **CCSS MenuUMath X Menu Frameworks 7.G.02.06Polygons Broken Into Simpler Shapes tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 6.G.01.01Area of a Trapezoid.. 4 waystier 1, tier 2, tier 3 7.RP.01.03Estimation Using Proportions tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 7.RP.01.02cRatio Table – Introductiontier 1, tier 2, tier 3 8.F.02.04Linear Relations – Elastic Fractionstier 1, tier 2, tier 3 8.EE.02.06Similar Triangles & Slopetier 1, tier 2, tier 3 8.F.02.05Interpreting Graphs Without a Scale tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 Note.. See document “Model Digital Learning with RTI & STEM…”NCTM Boston Step 4: MODEL the Process : Whole Group..or..Small Group-differentiate.or..One on One NCTM Boston **or use.. MENUS.. TX TEKS, VA SOLs, ON Expectations, FL Standards