HARRIET TUBMAN Pathways to Freedom FOOTSTEPS TO FREEDOM Mr. Ormonds Class
Today the learner will read, listen, and look at a Web Site and be able to... identify the economic resources in the story. identify the geographic characteristics in the story.
First, lets review what we already know! What was the Underground Railroad? What famous Marylander served as a conductor? Who else was involved in this form of transportation?
VERY GOOD! Now we have packed our prior knowledge for the trip!
Today we will look at your favorite section of the story with...
There are many economic resources and geographic characteristics that are referred to in this story. Your mission is to find these references in the story.
The class assignments for today will be divided in half! Half of the class will… Use a graphic organizer to list the geographic characteristics found in the story. Pay attention to the definitions! The other half of the class will… Use a graphic organizer to identify the economic resources in the story. Remembering to think of Capital Resources as tools might help!
Open up the Web Site (HTubman WebSite )HTubman WebSite and get a full head of steam together to complete the Footsteps To Freedom activity!