Presentation created by children and staff at: Barnacre Road Primary School Barnacre Road Longridge, PR3 2PD Mission Statement At our school we value everyone and learning is about: Working hard Trying our best And having fun Devised by the Pupil Council
At the start of the year we changed all of the school displays during Harvest week to show what we had learnt in class. Year 3 looked at fruit, Year 4 Vegetables and Year 6 Fair Trade. Some classes visited the local fruit and vegetable shops to look at healthy food. Other children made fruit smoothies and salads with fruit and vegetables donated by local shops. We have lots of healthy food displays around school.
We look at healthy eating in class in lots of different subjects throughout school. We have a Health Week each year when the whole school looks at keeping healthy and food. This term Year 3 have looked at Teeth and Eating in Science, ICT and D.T. “We made posters using ICT to tell people about the food and drinks that can damage their teeth. Look at our poster by clicking here.”clicking here (Eve and James I, Year 3)
This term the Foundation Unit had a sponsored healthy baking day to raise money for outdoor play equipment. Lots of parents came in and helped us make lots of healthy food.
We have a weekly fruit tuck shop in school. The fruit is prepared by the Golden Time Cookery Club each week. We sold pieces of fruit, fruit smoothies, ice lollies and cocktails during the summer term. “In Year 4 we did a survey to find out which fruits are the most popular. I like selling the fruit and pretending to be a shop keeper.” (Jessica, Year 5) We asked the Pupil Council to look into ways in which we could make the Fruit Tuck Shop better. They found that children want the fruit sold to change each week and to include different fruits like pineapple, grapes and melon instead of apples and bananas.
During Golden Time we have a cooking group run by Mrs Forrest and Mr Smith. We wash our hands before and after we handle any food. All of these is hygienic and keeps us safe. We clean the work tops and chopping boards before and after using them with cleaning spray that is safe to use. We wash all the equipment we use as well. We help to work out how much we have spent and how much it costs to make one item.
In the summer term “we grew vegetables in our plant beds and then sold them to teachers and parents. We are planning to use the money for compost and more seeds.” (James, Year 6) Golden Book Assemblies happen every month and celebrate children who have been nominated by staff (welfare and teaching staff) for being kind, polite and helpful during lunch and playtimes.
Mrs Forrest is our very own Jamie Oliver! She has helped Mr Smith with his Golden Time Cooking Group (and teaches him how to cook at the same time!). She helps all the classes during themed weeks to link in healthy eating. She raises money for charity in school by selling lovely food. She deserves a medal for all her hard work. She always makes sure we clean our hands, tables and equipment.
“We have water bottles in class and can drink them when we are working. This hydrates our brain and helps us to work. We have monitors who use the water machines in the corridors to fill them.” (Toby, Year 6) Children throughout the school are allowed to have water bottles in class. Water fountains are also located around school for those without bottles. We can buy fresh orange juice at the tuck shop to help keep us healthy and hydrated.
We have hygiene and social messages throughout school. This term Year 5 and 6 went to Tower Wood. We focussed on being polite and on manners when eating. When the weather is nice we like to eat outside together and share lots of delicious and healthy food we have made. “We took turns to set the tables, serve the food, offer seconds and to clear the tables. We all really tried to use and hold our knives and forks all the time. The food was brilliant and I always had seconds.” James, Year 6
We have a Healthy Eating policy (to view click here)to view click here We have a Visitor policy statement (to view click here)to view click here We also have a Visitor leaflet to help them when they come to our school (to view click here)to view click here We have a Visitor evaluation form (to view click here)to view click here