5 th Annual Mathletes Conference Saturday, April 2, 2011 Breakout Sessions 1A (9:15 – 10:15) and 4C (1:45 – 2:45) Facilitator: Eric Kraus, Sinclair Community College 1A: Getting Ready for Your First Course Using Math Technology – Best Practices and Sharing and and 4C: Using MML in Distance-learning courses
Sessions’ Overview (1A) MyMathLab (Enhanced, Hybrid and Modules Lab-based) Classes on Campus Enhanced Lecture Model (MML-enhanced) Hybrid Course Model (rebirth of an old idea) Independent Study/Self-paced, Modules Lab Model Pros and cons (4C) MyMathLab Distance Learning Courses The Master Course Model ( multiple instructors adopt ) DEV 108 Coordinator Course Winter 2010 ( kraus82152 ) Communication is Key!
Context: Student Demographics Very large developmental math population (3000+ per quarter) Very large lower-level math (beginning algebra, intermediate algebra) population to which dev students transition Historically Low Success Rates (~53 – 57%) in both departments Open Admissions Enrollment
Learning Modalities For MML-based classes, 3 modalities: Math Modules Lab (eBook with study guide) Traditional (out) and Hybrid (in) (both a mix of classroom and MML asynchronous assignments) Handout: Syllabus from Fall 2009 Traditional Course Distance Learning (growing population) Handout: Daily Schedule Spring 2010 Pre-algebra Course Other Modalities: Inquiry-based (Student-centered approach) No technology component required/MML optional
How to Start Assumptions: Training: In the past, extensive training (1 six-hour day in summer; or, several 1-hour sessions during academic breaks) Mentoring: One-to-one mentoring (experienced full-timer paired with new part- timer or new-to-MML) Adopt the Master Course ( Handouts: Homework/Test Manager, Change Weights, and Set Prerequisites )
Communication Communicating to all for the new term Handout: letter to instructors (Master MML Course Preparation) Handout: Grace Period Letter to Instructors and One to Students (distance) Handout: First Day for Distance Class Follow-up: Weekly Updates to the class (handout) Handout: Registering on CourseCompass for Hybrid, Modules’ Lab, and Distance
Distance Learning Pedagogy Communication is key ( see previous slide ) Early Registration on CC is critical (stats) Tracking Student Progress (Gradebook) Feedback: Timeliness and Tone Weekly Updates to Class Written Work Assignments Work! (example) Friendly Reminders
Your Students How do things work where you teach? What Resources are lacking, if any? What type of training do full- and part- time faculty undergo? What types of problems have you encountered with preparing students and teachers for the MyMathLab experience?
Documents You May Steal! For sample syllabi, daily schedules, and other documents referred to in this presentation, go to: ps/mathletes2011/
Concluding Remarks Thank you for your ideas!