Science Room Animals Luis Madrid Project Science
Food- Mealworms, sunflower seeds, monkey nuts. Water- Water jug. Temp- 68 o to 77 o Feces- about 15 pellets a day.
Food- Anything that doesn’t contain too much sugar. Water- A hanging bottle. Temp- 60 o - 78 o 70 o is the best too hot can have a heat stroke. Waste –Dry, a lot but it doesn't stink.
Guinea Pig
Food- Hay helps them poop. Water- hang a bottle of water. Temp- 65 o -75 o. Waste- Guinea pigs produce a lot but you can get a litter box.
Food-crickets, roaches, silkworms, super worms, mealworms, waxworks, hornworms, butter worms, and flies. Water- Dripper water bottle. Temp- 80 o to 90 o degrees. Waste - About half of what they eat.
Snakes Food- Mice or rodent. Water- bowl of water. Temp- 75 o to 90 o. Waste - They hide their waste.
Food-Your parakeet can eat any type of fruit or vegetable. Don't feed them chocolate, avocado, or seed of any fruit. Water- Bowl Temp- 65 o to 70 o They can be messy.
Food- seeds Water- In a bowl Temp- 85 o to 90 o Waste- they deposit waste while they fly.