Station 1 Woody noticed when he first sits in the saddle on Bullseye it’s cold, but it seems to get warm after he rides around. What gaines thermal energy and what is losing thermal energy?
Station 2 Your body temperature is F. The air in the classroom is around 70 0 F. Which direction is heat transferring between you and the air? *Why does a room get warmer when there are lots of people in it?
Station 3 Place your hand on the side of the ice water. Is the heat energy decreasing or increasing in your hand?
Station 4 Bolt loves to lay on floor to cool off after running around and playing. But, he has to get up and move to a new spot every couples of minutes because it doesn’t seem as cool anymore. Is the floor gaining or losing heat energy?
Station 5 Place your hand on the hot water bottle. Is the heat energy increasing or decreasing in your hand?
Station 6 Put one ice cube in your hand. Which direction is the heat energy being transferred?
Station 7 Carlos notices that his sheets are super cold every evening when he crawls into bed. By the morning his sheets are warm and toasty. Are the sheets gaining heat energy or losing heat energy?
Station 8 Candace would like to cook a chicken tonight, but it is frozen. She places the chicken in a sink filled with hot water to thaw it. Eventually the chicken and the water become the same temperature. What gained heat energy, the chicken or the water?
Station 9 Liquid A’s starting temperature is 70 0 C and Liquid C’s starting temperature is 5 0 C. Using the above graph, what happens to the temperature of the two liquids when they are poured together? Which liquid is gaining energy?
Station 10 A hot stone is placed in a container with ice. After 20 minutes the container now has a stone and water in it. Use your knowledge of how heat moves to describe what happened!