REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS REPs and HE: Working together to raise standards and participation in physical activity and exercise Jean Ann Marnoch – REPs Ben Gittus - SkillsActive
REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS The Register of Exercise Professionals 15 th July 2010
REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS We are a Public Register of Names A system of self-regulation ‘To ensure that all exercise professionals are suitably knowledgeable and qualified to safeguard and to promote the health and interests of the people who use their services’
REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS Currently 28,176 members Over 65% at level 3 – up 40% since 2003 Level 4 = 558 Exercise Referral UK 1838 78% re-register
REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS Benefits for Members Recognised as a Professional Journal and Ezine REPs Website & Training Portal REPs liability insurance – legal advice Advanced Directory Listing International recognition through – ICREPS & EREPs Higher Education application form
REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS Achievements Public awareness leaflets/ booklets – Instructors – Employers – Health practitioners – CPD REPs conventions Test centres REPS Customer Service Survey
REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS Benefits to Employers met the agreed National Occupational Standards – which describe the knowledge, competence and skills hold recognised and approved qualification(s) recognised as a professional committed to ongoing professional development legally covered to practice by appropriate insurance Enhanced trust and security Transparent framework and career pathways Improved performance New Structure for REPs entry
REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS Biggest consultation this industry has seen 4 national employer events 4 national consultation events REPs membership Awarding bodies and training providers Fitness Industry Association Any one with an interest in this industry
Key features of the proposed structure of REPs Reduced number of categories of registration to aid clarity All categories linked to occupations in the industry Levels linked to QCF and EQF level descripto rs Clarity and Simplicity: Medical profession Employers Public Governments Media
REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS REPs continues to Raise standards and professionalise the industry Raise the profile of and commitment to REPs across the health, exercise and fitness sectors Increase public awareness – brand awareness Gain trust and respect of allied health professions Improve ‘value’ and create the ‘desire’ for members to be recognised as professionals
REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS Gain trust and respect of allied health professions FIA Exercise Referral Steering Group FIA Exercise Referral forum (6 Royal Colleges) British Heart Foundation Tool Kit Attendance at NHS conference Attendance at Royal College of Nurses Congress
REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS International benchmarking Australia, New Zealand, Europe
REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS More people More active More often More professional Our Message…
REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS Further information? Jean-Ann Marnoch, Registrar REPs Tel: Thank you
Role of the Sector Skills Council and working with Higher Education
The Sector Sport and Recreation 371,800 Caravan Industry 99,800Outdoors 26,400 Playwork 146,700 Health and Fitness 51,500 Active Leisure, Learning and well-being
Aims A sector at the heart of society… ‘More People, More Active, More Often’ Our Vision – More People, Better Skilled, Better Qualified Our Mission – To deliver the skilled workforce to get the Nation Active
active leisure, learning and well being economy education health / care tourism employment physical activity prevention re-hab personal & social development play experiential learning sport adventure re-engagement Community cohesion / quality of life/ volunteering anti-crime social justice communities
Areas of Work Setting Occupational Standards Vocational Qualifications Research Employer Engagement Careers Advice Apprenticeships Pathways Foundation Degrees HE Endorsement National Skills Academy
SkillsActive and Higher Education Work with HE Academy, UVAC, FDF Lifelong Learning Network HE involvement in writing standards Promote vocational qualifications HE conference Employer engagement HE Endorsement
Industry Recognition and REPs entry for HE students and graduates Many graduates applying to REPs Need to have more HE courses approved for REPs entry Increases employability Marketing to students Better links to employers
Link to an Awarding Organisation Qualifications and Credit Framework Awarding Organisations Approved Centre Status Recognised Qualification Direct REPs entry Vocational assessment/ verification Fees to awarding organisation Centrally set exam Part of HE course or seperate
Submission to SkillsActive Match to national occupational standards Practical assessment Staff and resources REPs related modules Separate assessment Technical evaluation Quality inspection REPs logos Re-launch in September Promotion of endorsed courses
Benefits of endorsement REPs entry Sector recognition Employers, potential students, and parents will be able to see which courses can demonstrate links to industry standards and employability. Endorsement can be linked to the HEFCE employability agenda. Endorsement can be used as evidence of employability within quality assurance systems. Endorsed HEIs will be part of a network of good practice.
Questions….. Ben Gittus Senior Programme Manager –National Standards and HE
Workgroups Should gyms on HEI sites encourage or insist on REPs membership? How can more HE courses be endorsed to give full REPs entry?